English Games
Host Country (Level 3)
Explore your host country's features, cuisines, history, culture, and people through fun and engaging projects!
Host Country (Level 2)
Explore your host country's features, cuisines, history, culture, and people through fun and engaging projects!
Host Country (Level 1)
Make a flip-book to show your new home in your host country and explore local cuisines, folk tales, and culture to know more about your where you live!
Life Skills (Level 1)
Learn more about how we use different body parts, how money works, the different weathers we experience, and make your own board game to explore the world!
Life Skills (Level 2)
Explore how to have a healthy lifestyle, how to budget effectively, the different sides of issues you face, and set goals for yourself.
Literacy (Level 3)
Learn how to be your own author, write your own poem, create a dramatic play, and write a persuasive letter on an issue you care about.

Resource Categories part two

PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience

Learning Packages→
Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.

Innovations Development Directorate
Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.