Testimonial - Dignitas 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 11:43

"During the Focus Group Discussions, teachers expressed excitement to gain new skills, notably the evaluation methods. 'I improved my critique of learners,' said one teacher. Another teacher said, 'I could assess all types of learners, including those who were not great writers.'” 

Testimonial - BC 5

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:33

"The exploratory method used in IFERB projects has been highly successful with students as they feel like active participants of their learning instead of just quiet students in a classroom listening to the teacher without much opportunity of participation. The projects within IFERB ensure two-way communication, making the child an equal participant in the process."

Testimonial - BC 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:33

"IFERB presented parents with a unique opportunity to learn with their children, this continued interaction has the potential of transforming the relationship the two have and influencing it in a positive manner. Most parents became aware of their children's abilities and hidden talents through the projects; the children experienced an increase in their confidence level with positive encouragement from their parents."

Testimonial - BC 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:31

"My daughter and I learned a lot of new concepts together in the days of lockdown. In the IFERB toolkit, the first project is about COVID-19 and it equipped us with authentic information that we were not aware of before. We trusted rumors/myths we had heard from people around us. Now, I along with my family members read the IFERB toolkit and learn something new every day."

Testimonial - BC 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:19

"The IFERB project “Why all the plastic” inspired several students to take an interest in the issue of plastic pollution within their own communities. Three active students conducted nearly thirty awareness sessions in different areas of their community focused on environment-friendly use of plastic and alternate solutions, encourging recycling as a method of countering the negative impact of single-use plastic. To lead by example, the students designed about thirty multipurpose handbags created from used cardboard and cloth."

Testimonial - LAL 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:06

"One of the mothers shared that her daughter did not like school at all. Nevertheless, through the IFERB pilot, the girl changed her conceptualization of the school. She started to love and enjoy learning. The mother expressed her gratitude to the teacher."

Testimonial - LAL 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:04

"One student kept looking after his lentil plant which he planted for the 'Adventures in the Plant Kingdom' PBL project. One week after the project ended, the student sent the teacher a picture of the plant to share with her his/her happiness with the growth of the plant."

Testimonial - LAL 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:02

"Parents also shared that their children enjoyed the projects, particularly 'My Pop-Up Restaurant' and 'Around the World in 46 Days' as they found the activities engaging and simple to follow given that they included concepts that were covered previously in school. One teacher said that one of the mothers was so excited that she drew her own family tree [for the 'My Family Tree' PBL project] and shared it with the teacher in addition to her child’s family tree. "

Testimonial - LAL 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 09:32

"Teachers said that they learned many skills which they integrated into their teaching with traditional school subjects, such as being more creative in distance teaching and learning in addition to designing lessons that use the direct environment of the students and do not require a screen."

Subscribe to Teacher
M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience


Learning Packages→

Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.


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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.