Numeracy is a core life skill and yet over 56% of people globally have not achieved proficiency in math1. This statistic is about to worsen, as all predictions point towards a significant loss of learning in math over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic2. The extent of a math slide is most severely experienced in underserved communities.
The main reasons for this include:
- The formal nature of math instruction in schools leaves parents poorly equipped to support learning at home during times of remote learning
- The lack of resources for those in internet free and technology free settings
- Worsening of math anxiety previously experienced by 1 in every 3 students3
Math Games is EAA's solution towards helping learners practice math fluency, building confidence, and gaining important problem-solving skills by applying maths in different contexts. The games are designed for 4 levels of learners from the ages of 4 - 14 years based on a competency framework. Each of the games is fun, requires a low amount of resources, and is implementable in or out of school contexts.
The resources available include:
- A briefing note with the background and design choices
- A competency framework based on Khan Academy’s Common Core learning principles
- Detailed math games for each level that are ready to play
- A backend resource catalog that is a curated and categorized repository of existing open-source maths resources
For more math resources, please refer to our Internet Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) project-based learning resources for engaging and interdisciplinary math learning in low resource contexts.
The Math Games are a part of the mEducation Alliance's Math Power! initiative and supported by the Julia Robinson Math Festival.
We update these resources regularly, so please do provide your feedback and experience using these tools. IDD has a collection of tools beyond what is published, for more resources or support please email us at: