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Sailboat Races

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:04

Caregivers will take paper boats and sail it in a tub/bucket. The learner will blow on the boat with a straw in order to move it forward.


This activity will help to improve stamina for speech production and feeding.

  • Step 1

    Create 2-4 paper sailboats and fill up a tub or bucket with water.

  • Step 2

    Model blowing the sailboat across the water. Then instruct the learner to do so.

  • Step 3

    Repeat until satisfied.

Gum Massage

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:03

Accept oral stimulation over a large surface in and around the oral cavity


This activity helps the learner normalize awareness within the oral cavity in order to improve speech and feeding development. Also helpful to decrease drooling, mouth stuffing, and/or the need to chew objects.

  • Step 1

    Place your index finger just above the learner’s upper front teeth. Slide it along the gums to the back right molars and back to where you began. Repeat about 3 times. Then repeat the same motion on the lower gums.

  • Step 2

Read Out Loud

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:45

Read aloud to the learner every day and multiple times in the day.


This activity helps the learner train their ears to different sounds, voices and tone.

  • Step 1

    Any reading material around the home can be used for this activity, such as newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets. Preferably in a language that is frequently used around the learner.

  • Step 2

    Read aloud short pieces to the learner and change your tone, emotion, expression, volume, speed as much as possible.

  • Step 3

Whistle or Hum

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:44

The caregiver creates a simple set of sounds which has claps, whistles or hums in a pattern.


This activity allows the learner to focus and concentrate by making sure the learner is not missing out on the noises that would help them repeat the set of sounds.

  • Step 1

    Start clapping/whistling/humming in a specific pattern. Do 5 whistles/hums and stop. Have the learner repeat the same pattern until they learn it.

  • Step 2

    Do another 5 whistle/hum pattern and have the learner repeat until they learn it.

Shaking Sounds

Submitted by yusuf on Sat, 05/11/2024 - 21:40

Shake a pair of maracas in time with the beat of the song. If this percussion instrument is not available, then bottles filled with dry beans, lentils, rice or pebbles can be used.


This activity facilitates rhythm in the learner and also helps to focus and concentrate. This activity is great for working on auditory sensitivity to sounds.

  • Step 1

    Find an empty bottle to fill. Put some dry beans or pebbles in the bottle. (As many as you want, but not the full bottle!)

  • Step 2

Listening for Sounds

Submitted by yusuf on Sat, 05/11/2024 - 21:39

Identify common sounds in their environment. The learner may close their eyes and listen to environmental noises (i.e., birds, air conditioner, cat purring) or sounds from an audio or video recording (i.e., YouTube).


This activity helps improve sensitivity to sound as well as perception of non-speech sounds.

  • Step 1

    Play a variety of sounds one at a time for the learner. Some examples of sounds that can be used include but are not limited to: planes, trains, cars, children playing, birds chirping, and animal noises.

100 Rhyming Words

Submitted by manzoor on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 23:58

Read rhyming words aloud. Supplying words with the same final sound as the stimulus word.


This activity is important for reading and spelling. It helps the learner to recognize words that share common sounds and often share common letter sequences. This activity is also useful for developing word recall skills and auditory closure ability.

  • Step 1

    Sit with the learner and explain that you will be rhyming words together for example cat and mat.

  • Step 2

100 Seconds of Silence

Submitted by on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 22:43

The learner along with the caregiver will be in a quiet environment


This activity helps to develop patience and consciousness in the learner. Also, to improve sensitivity to sound as well as perception of non-speech sounds.

  • Step 1

    Look for a quiet room or location where you can sit for 100 seconds.

  • Step 2

    Sit with the learner for 100 seconds in quiet.

  • Step 3

Clapping Syllables

Submitted by fuego on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 14:59

Attending for sound patterns. The learner will imitate the pattern of clapping/tapping which is done by the parent or caregiver.


This activity will facilitate auditory attention and auditory memory.

  • Step 1

    Have the learner close their eyes or sit facing away from you. Clap hands, play a drum, bounce a ball, etc.

  • Step 2

    Have the learner imitate your clap pattern (i.e., 1-2 fast, 3-4-5 slow)

  • Step 3

    Have the learner say out loud how many counts there were.

Differentiation Sound Frame

Submitted by manzoor on Tue, 02/13/2024 - 14:11

The caregiver makes different sounds - made by vehicles, animals and the learner has to detect it.


This activity will help the learner to differentiate between similarities and differences when listening to sounds. It helps teach learners to improve listening skills.

This is a continuation of Activity 2: Listening For Sounds

  • Step 1

    Have the learner close their eyes or sit facing away from you. Clap hands, play a drum, bounce a ball, etc.

  • Step 2

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M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.