The Correct Brick Road
A player will draw a card and read the number out loud. The player will then write a brick road of prime factorization numbers that lead to the number.
A player will draw a card and read the number out loud. The player will then write a brick road of prime factorization numbers that lead to the number.
Each player is required to throw bean bags into a hoop and record the number of bean bags in and out of the hoop. The player that gets 3 combinations that add up to 10 wins.
Each player will draw 2 cards from a pile of cards and place them face down. All the players will simultaneously turn over the cards and attempt to add up the 2 numbers.
The players must roll the four dices they are given and then subtract the sum of the red dice from the blue dice. If the answer corresponds to the number on a cell that has their students in them, they will be released.
In each round, players in teams will draw 6 cards from a pile and attempt to make two 3-digit numbers. They will then find the sum of each of the two numbers and the team with the largest sum gets the point.
An adult will call out different prompts and teams must draw from the 20 digital cards they are given to satisfy the prompt.
In groups of 4, students will be given a deck of digit cards. The teacher will state a description of a 4 digit number and the students must rearrange themselves to fit the description.
Players draw a game board and choose a number from 1-200 as a starting point on the sheet. They then move on the game board and attempt to make as many legal moves as possible considering common factors. The player that cannot make a legal move loses.
Each player is dealt the same number of cards and on the count of three reveals their cards. The first player to call out the correct summation of the cards keeps the cards for that round. The player with the most cards in the end wins.
Each student will write down 6 numbers from 1-40. A student will roll two dices and each student will have to calculate the product of the two. If they have the number, they can cross it out.