Scavenger Hunt

Each player is given a scavenger hunt sheet that contains different values. Players must go around the house and find different objects that weigh or measure the same as the value on the sheet. The player that finishes first wins.

Have a Fraction Picnic

Each student will be given at least 5 food cut-outs to create a picnic basket. Students must cut their food items into fractions and at the end, all the fractions must add up to 3. The picnic basket that passes will move onto the next stage, which is voting based on creativity.

Fraction Creatures

Each student will create fraction monsters which are made up of two different color squares. The student will then write down what fraction of their monster is of each of the two colors. The fraction monster that passes will move onto the next stage, which is voting based on creativity.

Fair and Unfair

Each group of two, will receive a set of beads of different colors and will attempt to separate them into fair and unfair groups. Fair groups are those that can be split between the two and unfair are ones that cannot.

Bigger or Smaller

Players will sit in a circle surrounding a card that is face down in the middle. Players will be given cards from a deck and will attempt to guess if the number they have is smaller or greater than the hidden number. Players that guess correctly, get a point.

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