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Learners will write a short play of 2-3 minutes and act it out. They will expand their vocabulary by exploring characters, settings, and emotions. They will practice listening, speaking, and writing skills as they write and act out a story of their choice.
Leading Question
What does it take to become a good actor?

Learners will create their own comedy skit complete with jokes, riddles, puns, lyrical nonsense poems, ironic funny short stories and slapstick – while learning important literacy concepts, voice-modulation and the concepts of humor and laughter.
Leading Question
How can you make someone laugh?

Learners will create their own comedy skit complete with jokes, riddles, puns, lyrical nonsense poems, ironic funny short stories and slapstick – while learning important literacy concepts, voice-modulation and the concepts of humor and laughter.
Leading Question
How can you make someone laugh?

Learners explore emotions and storytelling through interactive activities, including acting out scenes from a chosen story. They learn about emotion identification, character traits, setting exploration, prop usage, dialogue creation, and they act scenes before an audience.
Leading Question
What does it take to become a good actor?

Learners will understand how patterns help us make sense of the very complex world and transform information and data into meaning. Learners will visually represent different patterns around them.
Leading Question
How can patterns help us make sense of our world?

Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Leading Question
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?

Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Leading Question
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?

Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Leading Question
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?

Resource Categories part two

PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience

Learning Packages→
Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.

Innovations Development Directorate
Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.