Tabshoura is a free multilingual educational platform that offers digital support programs.
Tabshoura is a free multilingual educational platform that offers digital support programs.
Tabshoura is a free multilingual educational platform that offers digital support programs. is an online platform that uses e-learning to fulfill the educational needs of students by increasing their access to accurate knowledge and consequently improving their academic performance.'s long term is to become a large crowd learning platform for students in Africa and the MENA region, which will enable them to create their own quality content with an incentive system based on rewards. uses creative motion design to attract young learners and enable its users to learn through play.
The Rumie Initiative is a nonprofit organization and a Canadian registered charity. It delivers free, digital learning content to underprivileged children via affordable tablets (at the cost of USD 50). Through LearnSyria project, the initiative is partnering with The Syrian Kids Foundation, who runs the Al-Salam School in a Syrian refugee camp, in Reyhanli.
منصة "يلا نقرأ" هي تطبيق إلكتروني تفاعلي يجمع الأطفال مع معلميهم، ومعلماتهم وذويهم في بيئة تعليمية غنية، بهدف تطوير مهارات الأطفال اللغوية وتشجيعهم على القراءة كنهج يومي. ونظراً لعدم سهولة وصول المعلمين والأهالي للكتب والقصص المناسبة لأطفالهم، تتيح منصة "يلا نقرأ" عبر تطبيق سهل وبسيط الاستخدام عبر للهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية فرصة للوصول إلى مجموعة كبيرة وغنية من الكتب والقصص التعليمية المصنفة إلى مستويات قرائية مختلفة، وبمصاحبة أنشطة تفاعلية تساهم في بناء مهارات القراءة لدى أطفالهم، من خلال رحلة من المتعة والانجاز والمعرفة والخيال.
Have you used Wikipedia in your classroom or do you prefer to discourage its use? Do your students know how to use it critically? Wikipedia is the largest free online encyclopedia and it’s one of the top 10 most visited websites in the world. These lesson plans offer dynamic and engaging ways for educators and guardians to complement remote education strategies, help students develop digital literacy skills, and critically engage with some of the largest collaborative free knowledge projects.
Corona Virus: A curious guide for courageous kids is the first bilingual (Arabic/English) free guide published in light of the current challenges we face with the COVID-19 virus. The guide, specifically designed to encourage responsibility, curiosity, creativity and positivity in the younger generations, is produced by Pleiadi and the network of Italian Children’s Museums in collaboration with Art Jameel.
World’s 1st Proprietary “School of Fish (“SoF”)” – Digital Literacy B2B Curriculum focused on Computational Thinking skills for K-3. Developed after 2 years of extensive R&D by our global team of experts of early childhood educators, world-class game designers, animators, pediatric neuropsychologist and digital technologists; and further trialed at kindergartens for active engagement and feedback from pre-schools, teachers, parents and children.
While we normally love the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together more than 200 inspired indoor activity ideas (if we do say so ourselves) to keep kids entertained while schools are closed due to coronavirus. Keep your kids learning new skills and having fun (and avoid hearing ‘I’m bored’ every 30 seconds) all in #TheGreatIndoors.
Aplicación telefónica para encontrar y cultivar calma, claridad y bondad. Contiene un programa guiado, meditaciones a elegir, meditaciones para niños. También sirve para programar pausas conscientes y tiene un temporizador por si quieres hacer tu práctica de forma independiente. Basado en conocimiento científico sobre cualidades que son pilares del bienestar y las técnicas para desarrollarlas.
PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience
Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.
Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.