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Managing Money

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:09

This refers to the ability to save and spend money.


This activity helps in managing money. It is important that the learner makes sure they will always have enough money for necessities and other important things.

* This activity is only for those who are at a functional academic level.

  • Step 1

    Help the learner create a little piggy bank using an empty tissue box. Put some coins or notes in the piggy bank.

  • Step 2

Maintaining Continence

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:08

This refers to the ability to control the bladder or bowel functions.


This activity will give the learner the ability necessary for appropriate management of urinary and fecal elimination.

  • Step 1

    Demonstrate how to use the bathroom using a doll or a stuffed animal. Pretend the animal communicated their need to go to the bathroom. Take the doll to the bathroom and undress her and have her use the toilet, wash her hands and dry her hands.

  • Step 2


Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:08

This refers to the ability to go from one place to another.


This activity helps enhance independent mobility.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to stand up from the chair/sofa

  • Step 2

    Walk to the door and open it using the door handle.

  • Step 3

    Decide in which room they have to go and open the door of that room. Once they are there, have them sit in a chair or sofa in that room.


Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:07

This refers to the ability to put clothes on by themselves.


This activity helps the learner independently dress themselves.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to lay their clothes on the bed and look for the right side of the shirt or undershirt.

  • Step 2

    Then tell the learner to put on a dress or shirt – slip it from the head onto the neck.

  • Step 3

    Turn it around to the front side and put out the arms in the sleeves.

  • Step 4


Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:07

This refers to the ability to wash the body with soap and water.


This activity helps in personal hygiene of the learner.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to undress themselves.

  • Step 2

    Tell the learner to turn on the shower or fill the bucket with water, adjusting the temperature to suit personal comfort. *Please supervise this step to make sure the water is not too hot.

  • Step 3

    First, tell them to rinse the body properly with water

  • Step 4


Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:06

This refers to the ability to feed oneself


The learner will self-feed developmentally appropriate foods in order to support a healthy and diverse nutritional profile.

  • Step 1

    Sit down and have a family meal together where everyone eats the same foods. Majority (at least 50%) of the meal should be foods that the learner enjoys eating (i.e., butter pasta, cucumber slices, and chicken nuggets). *The foods need to be pre cut or sliced into manageable bites.

  • Step 2

Matching Socks

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:05

Match things that are in pairs, such as socks, slippers, bangles, gloves, shoes.


This activity helps the learner develop problem solving skills and builds visual memory.

  • Step 1

    Collect objects that are always found in pairs.

  • Step 2

    Show one sock for instance, to the learner and then hide its pair in a basket with other similar items.

  • Step 3

    Encourage them to find the matching pair. Increase the number of pairs to be found gradually.

Sorting Kitchen Utensils

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:05

Participate in organizing safe household items every day, putting spoons together, bowls, plates, etc. in their own categories.


This activity helps the learner in participating in daily household activities, it helps them identify these everyday items and sort them improving their ability to visually differentiate and categorize.

  • Step 1

    Start by putting out two different safe household items like spoons and bowls.

  • Step 2

    Ask the learner to put the spoons in one basket and bowls in the other.

Hide and Go Seek

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:04

Search for hidden objects or people.


This activity helps the learner to develop problem-solving skills as they try to work out the best place to hide. It also improves balance, agility and coordination.

  • Step 1

    The caregiver will hide 1 to 3 objects somewhere in the room or in the house. Have the learner count to 30 while the caregiver hides the objects.

  • Step 2

    Learner will now look for the objects around the house.

  • Step 3

Sorting Shapes

Submitted by on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:04

Scoop up colored shape buttons and sort them into the matching containers. A small tub, 4 small containers, different shapes of buttons and a spoon will be used for this activity.


This activity allows learners to match and recognize shapes and colors and helps with concentration.

  • Step 1

    Find all the necessary objects needed for this activity and put all the buttons in the small tub.

  • Step 2

    Have the learner start scooping two buttons with a spoon and put them into different containers.

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M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.