EAA is committed to helping Afghan refugee children worldwide have access to uninterrupted learning that is relevant and holistic. The content suite below is a collection of cost-free, screen-free, and engaging resources, designed as workbooks, created specifically for these children. 

Moreover, it promotes continuity across borders and can be shared with concerned authorities in countries that will eventually host these children to ensure consistency in their educational development.

The content includes:

1. Workbooks: Each workbook is designed for month-long learning for 4 to 16 year-olds and can be student-led or supported by volunteers, only requiring basic stationery such as paper and pencils. Instructions are also available in Dari and Pashto. 

  • Socio-Emotional Learning Package - Co-developed with Amal Alliance, it includes the award-winning Colors of Kindness program that equips children with the tools and exercises to positively cope with the new changes and manage their emotions in a healthy manner. 
  • Survival English Package - A series of 3 activity books for different age groups to learn important words in English that will help children overcome communication barriers as they transit to and settle in different countries. 
  • Flashcards - Available in Dari and Pashto, the flashcards can be used to practise survival English vocabulary words and also as a tool to communicate with authorities.
  • Games Books - Physically engaging and fun Math and English games that also help children revise survival English vocabulary and basic numeracy skills. 
  • Life Skills Package - Project-based learning resources to help children develop essential skills such as maintaining good health, budgeting, goal-setting, resolving conflicts respectfully, etc.
  • Host Country Package - Project-based learning resources to help children understand and assimilate their host country better. 
  • Literacy and Numeracy Packages - For English speakers, these cover curricular topics and deep-dive into developing English literacy and Math skills.

2. Teacher Guides: Teacher Guides are tailored to ease educators into the world of project-based learning, an innovative approach that ignites curiosity and critical thinking. Each guide is a collection of 4 project-based learning resources with several engaging activities from IFERB weaved together as a one month learning experience. 

3. Project-Based Learning Resources: Student-led, hands-on projects through which students learn and apply core academic concepts while also building 21st century skills.

4. Math Games: These interactive and physically engaging games not only reinforce foundational math concepts but also infuse joy into the learning process.

5. Story Books: Thoughtfully chosen from Storyweaver, these Story Books are not only engaging but also appropriate for the Afghan context. To enhance the learning experience, we've included guiding questions, fostering improved reading skills.

For more information or support please reach out to innovations@eaa.org.qa

M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience


Learning Packages→

Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.


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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.