Черепаха знаходить свій дім

Submitted by sujith on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 12:05

Суходільна Черепаха відправляється на пошуки свого дому. По дорозі вона зустрічає нових друзів, які допомагають їй. Але вже темніє, блискавки блищать вдалені. Чи встигне Черепаха знайти свій дім?

Банка шоколаду дядька Олексія

Submitted by sujith on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 12:04

Дядько Олексій це найулюбленіша людина, яку знає Олена. Після його смерті, Олена переживає, чи не зникла з ним його доброта. Заснований на реальній історії про втрату і горе та співчуття в повсякденних вчинках.

Такий же чи інший?

Submitted by sujith on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 12:02

Чи можеш ти дружити тільки з такими же людьми, як ти сам? Чи погано це, бути найкращими друзями з кимось, відмінним від тебе? ДІЗНАЙТЕСЯ відповіді на ці запитання, разом із Змієм і Горобцем, у цій захоплюючій історії про дружбу.

Тривожна Хмаринка Клауді

Submitted by sujith on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 11:59

Хмаринка Клауді отримує замовлення на тисячу цукерок. Вона повинна бути щасливою, але натомість вона не може перестати хвилюватися. Чи вдасться Клауді зробити солодощі вчасно до вечірки?

Все на борту

Submitted by sujith on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 11:55

Марія та її сім'я переїжджають з Варшави до Любліна, і вона цьому не рада. Чи зможуть її батьки підбадьорити її під час поїздки на поїзді?

أُرِيدُ هَذَا الشَّيْءَ

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:58

عِنْدَمَا يَطْلُبُ أَنِيلُ شَيْئًا تَقُولُ لَهُ أُمُّهُ: "لَا، لَيْسَ هَذَا". حَتَّى أَصْحَابُ الْمَتَاجِرِ فِي السُّوقِ يَرْفُضُونَ طَلَبَهُ، وَهَذَا يَجْعَلُ الصَّبِيَّ الصَّغِيرَ غَاضِبًا جِدًّا.

رُهاب المسرح

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:53

جامبا تحب الغناء لكنها لا تستطيع الوقوف على المسرح. هل ستكون قادرة على مواجهة الجمهور في يوم مدرستها السنوي؟

صَدِيقَةُ غُوبِي الْمُفَضَّلَةُ الْمُزْعِجَةُ

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:49

غُوبِي وَسِنَابُ صَدِيقَانِ مُقَرَّبَانِ يَعِيشَانِ مَعًا فِي أَعْمَاقِ الْمُحِيطِ. تُرَى مَا الَّذِي سَيَحْدُثُ عِنْدَمَا يَشْعُرُ غُوبِي بِالضَّجَرِ مِنْ صَوْتِ مَخَالِبِ سِنَابِ الْمُزْعِجَةِ؟

الْحَشَرَاتُ الْمُذْهِلَةُ: كِتَابُ الْعَدِّ

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:47

هَلْ أَنْتَ مُسْتَعِدٌّ لِتَذْهَبَ مَعَنَا فِي جَوْلَةٍ نَعِدُّ بَعْضَ الْحَشَرَاتِ، لِنَسْتَكْشِفَ مَعًا عَالَمَ الْحَشَرَاتِ الْمُذْهِلَةِ؟

طِفْلَةُ الْعَمَّةِ جِي

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:45

تَذْهَبُ (أَنُو) مَعَ وَالِدَتِهَا إِلَى بَيْتِ الْعَمَّةِ (جِي) لِزِيَارَتِهَا وَرُؤْيَةِ مَوْلُودَتِهَا الْجَدِيدَةِ. تُبَالِغُ الْأُمُّ وَالْعَمَّةُ فِي الِاهْتِمَامِ بِالْمَوْلُودَةِ وَتَدْلِيلِهَا، وَلَكِنَّ (أَنُو) تَرَى أَنَّ الطِّفْلَةَ الصَّغِيرَةَ سَخِيفَةٌ حَقًّا.

مَنْ يَخَافُ مِنَ الْوَحْشِ بَائِعِ الْحَلْوَى؟

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:43

التَّوْأَمَانِ سَمَارُ وَنِيفْيَا خَائِفَانِ مِنَ الْوَحْشِ بَائِعِ الْحَلْوَى. إِنَّهُ يَبْدُو مُخِيفًا، يَا إِلَهِي هَلْ يَأْكُلُ الْجِرَاءَ الصَّغِيرَةَ؟ عِنْدَمَا يَرَى التَّوْأَمَانِ جِرَاءَهُمَا السِّتَّةَ تَرْكُضُ إِلَى دَاخِلِ مَتْجَرِ الْوَحْشِ بَائِعِ الْحَلْوَى، لَا يَجِدَانِ مَفَرًّا مِنَ الْإِسْرَاعِ لِإِنْقَاذِهَا، وَلَكِنْ هُنَاكَ مُفَاجَأَةٌ كَبِيرَةٌ جِدًّا فِي انْتِظَارِهِمَا!

يا للفرح...هايبرلوب

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:40

يحب فيشنو استكشاف أماكن جديدة، ولكنه يكره الرحلات الطويلة، ويتساءل دائمًا لماذا لا توجد وسائل تنقل أسرع. لذلك انبهر للغاية عندما قرأ عن الهايبرلوب... يا للفرح! تُرى ما طبيعة وسيلة التنقل هذه القادمة من المستقبل؟

الْكَثِيرُ مِنَ الْإِزْعَاجِ

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:36

عَلَى سِرِينْجِيرِي سِرِينِيفَاسْ الْمُزَارَعِ أَنْ يَأْخُذَ بَقَرَاتِهِ عَبْرَ الطَّرِيقِ السَّرِيعِ الْجَدِيدِ إِلَى مَعْرِضِ الْمَاشِيَةِ، وَلَكِنَّ ضَوْضَاءَ الطَّرِيقِ مُزْعِجَةٌ لِلْغَايَةِ. فَمَاذَا عَلَيْهِ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ؟ وَكَيْفَ سَيَحِلُّ الْمُشْكِلَةَ؟ اقْرَأِ الْقِصَّةَ لِتَكْتَشِفَ بِنَفْسِكَ.

آنا وتجاربها العجيبة مع الطقس

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:34

آنا ماني عالمة هندية كانت تعشق القراءة لاكتساب المعرفة عن العالم من حولها. تعرّف على ما حدث في حفل عيد مولدها الثامن، ومغامراتها العلمية العجيبة والمثيرة التي خاضتها طوال مسيرتها.

مَنْ صَنَعَ صَلْصَةَ الطَّمَاطِمِ

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:29

تَذْهَبُ تَارَا وَرَافِي إِلَى السُّوقِ لِيَشْتَرِيَا الْفَاكِهَةَ وَالْخَضْرَاوَاتِ، لَكِنْ فِي كُلِّ مَرَّةٍ يَنْهَرِسُ نَوْعٌ مِنْ أَنْوَاعِ الْفَاكِهَةِ. يُقَدِّمُ هَذَا الْكِتَابُ مَفْهُومَ التَّصْنِيفِ مِنْ خِلَالِ عَرْضِ الْمُنْتَجَاتِ الثَّقِيلَةِ وَالْخَفِيفَةِ. تَمَّ اسْتِخْدَامُ قِطَعٍ صَغِيرَةٍ مِنَ الْوَرَقِ وَالْمَجَلَّاتِ الْقَدِيمَةِ وَالْأَكْيَاسِ الْوَرَقِيَّةِ فِي تَصْمِيمِ رُسُومِ هَذَا الْكِتَابِ.

مَاذَا سَتَأْكُلُ نِيمَا الْيَوْمَ؟

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 09/16/2024 - 14:27

هَذِهِ نِيمَا، إِنَّهَا تُحِبُّ الْأَكْلَ! الْخَضْرَاوَاتِ وَالْفَوَاكِهَ بِجَمِيعِ أَشْكَالِهَا وَأَلْوَانِهَا! تَابِعُوا نِيمَا فِي هَذِهِ الْقِصَّةِ وَهِيَ تَأْكُلُ مَا لَذَّ وَطَابَ فِي كُلِّ فَصْلٍ مِنْ فُصُولِ السَّنَةِ!

طق طق

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 09/12/2024 - 12:23

لم يستطع ملك سونابور المحب للطعام النوم بسبب صوتٍ غامض في غرفته. فماذا يمكن أن يكون؟

Testimonial - Bharti 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 13:20

"During the project 'Be your own Author', students were able to create their own story. They learnt new words and their meaning, and spelled them correctly. Student learned a lot. They learned how to create a story in sequence, they drew pictures, and improved their craft skills. This project has made a big change in some students.

Save the Children

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 13:08

Save the Children International (SCI) implemented the pilot program of the Internet-Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) in Central Darfur, Sudan. The project aimed to ensure education continuity for vulnerable learners in conflict-affected areas, addressing challenges such as teacher strikes and the impact of Covid-19. The primary focus was on improving literacy and numeracy skills through the use of printed materials and projects in a conflict zone that lacked access to technology.

Testimonial - Save 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 13:07

"Most teachers who were involved were volunteer teachers who were not qualified enough in skills and pedagogical practices. They expressed that they gained basic skills in very effective and learner-centered teaching methods. Parents also had the opportunity to learn how to help their children learn."

Testimonial - Save 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 13:02

"Teachers and parents commented that they started to see a change in attitude in students. Teachers noticed that students are always on time, and sitting, waiting for the IFERB lesson to start-which was out of the ordinary. Moreover, the PTA representatives also added that their kids are very excited about the IFERB lessons and noticed a more responsible, confident attitude from the children in the area."

Testimonial - TFM 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:41

"The IFERB PBL projects improved parental engagement unprecedentedly in supporting their children’s learning, and it encouraged them to help and reinforce their children’s learning and skills by using simple tools that are available at home, and with no need for an internet connection."

Testimonial - TFM 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:40

"The IFERB PBL project goes one step further than the academic curriculum as it helped students develop Social-Emotional Learning skills, and 21s skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and communication."

Testimonial - TFM 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:27

"The projects contributed to widening students’ horizons. The new style of teaching and learning, project-based learning, promoted students’ creativity and interaction with the surrounding environment. For example, in the “Make your own Paper Figure” project, students gained multidisciplinary skills, exploring the human body, its function and autonomy, and making their own sensory flip book exploring the 5 senses."

EduTab Africa

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:11

Edutab Africa piloted IFERB resources from August 2021 to July 2022 in two rural public primary schools and one community library in Western Kenya. The goal of the pilot was to provide children with access to high-quality and engaging educational content, particularly to ensure sustained learning amid the COVID-19 emergency. The pilot involved the implementation of project-based, internet-free, and accessible learning resources from the IFERB bank, which were meticulously contextualized to align with and cater to local educational needs.

Testimonial - EduTab 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:10

"Students' performance in the subject areas has improved. Learners' communication skills, creativity, critical thinking, drawing, coloring, and participation in class all improved."

Testimonial - EduTab 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:08

"These projects are not static, they are dynamic. They are fitting the current trends in education and our new education system. IFERB makes learning interactive and learner-centered."

Testimonial - EduTab 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 11:51

"IFERB has developed learner's curiosity and broken classroom monotony. It is learner-centered and the content covered from one subject applies to other learning areas and improves learner's mastery of content. The content relates to day- to- day life situations and also learners make good use of the available resources in the environment"

Testimonial - Dignitas 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 11:43

"During the Focus Group Discussions, teachers expressed excitement to gain new skills, notably the evaluation methods. 'I improved my critique of learners,' said one teacher. Another teacher said, 'I could assess all types of learners, including those who were not great writers.'” 

Testimonial - BC 5

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:33

"The exploratory method used in IFERB projects has been highly successful with students as they feel like active participants of their learning instead of just quiet students in a classroom listening to the teacher without much opportunity of participation. The projects within IFERB ensure two-way communication, making the child an equal participant in the process."

Testimonial - BC 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:33

"IFERB presented parents with a unique opportunity to learn with their children, this continued interaction has the potential of transforming the relationship the two have and influencing it in a positive manner. Most parents became aware of their children's abilities and hidden talents through the projects; the children experienced an increase in their confidence level with positive encouragement from their parents."

Testimonial - BC 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:31

"My daughter and I learned a lot of new concepts together in the days of lockdown. In the IFERB toolkit, the first project is about COVID-19 and it equipped us with authentic information that we were not aware of before. We trusted rumors/myths we had heard from people around us. Now, I along with my family members read the IFERB toolkit and learn something new every day."

Testimonial - BC 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:30

"I was never aware of the reality of using unclean water. When I learned about it in an IFERB project, I looked around with fresh eyes and saw the extent to which many members of my community were vulnerable without even knowing about it. From that day onwards, I considered it my responsibility to raise awareness regarding the importance of drinking clean water. It is now my mission to ensure one day all the people in my village will have access to clean drinking water."

Testimonial - BC 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:19

"The IFERB project “Why all the plastic” inspired several students to take an interest in the issue of plastic pollution within their own communities. Three active students conducted nearly thirty awareness sessions in different areas of their community focused on environment-friendly use of plastic and alternate solutions, encourging recycling as a method of countering the negative impact of single-use plastic. To lead by example, the students designed about thirty multipurpose handbags created from used cardboard and cloth."

Testimonial - LAL 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:06

"One of the mothers shared that her daughter did not like school at all. Nevertheless, through the IFERB pilot, the girl changed her conceptualization of the school. She started to love and enjoy learning. The mother expressed her gratitude to the teacher."

Testimonial - LAL 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:04

"One student kept looking after his lentil plant which he planted for the 'Adventures in the Plant Kingdom' PBL project. One week after the project ended, the student sent the teacher a picture of the plant to share with her his/her happiness with the growth of the plant."

Testimonial - LAL 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 10:02

"Parents also shared that their children enjoyed the projects, particularly 'My Pop-Up Restaurant' and 'Around the World in 46 Days' as they found the activities engaging and simple to follow given that they included concepts that were covered previously in school. One teacher said that one of the mothers was so excited that she drew her own family tree [for the 'My Family Tree' PBL project] and shared it with the teacher in addition to her child’s family tree. "

Testimonial - LAL 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 09:32

"Teachers said that they learned many skills which they integrated into their teaching with traditional school subjects, such as being more creative in distance teaching and learning in addition to designing lessons that use the direct environment of the students and do not require a screen."

Zambia Open Community Schools

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 14:58

ZOCS implemented 12 IFERB projects selected according to the ages of the children targeted in two rural districts. The projects were printed and delivered to the targeted children through their schools. Each of the target schools was also supplied with a radio containing IFERB content. Consequently, the children interacted with the IFERB content in print form and through the radio. A total of 2,000 learners were targeted in 30 schools.

Testimonial - ZOCS 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 14:57

"The endline survey findings demonstrated that the IFERB projects intervention had a positive impact on enhancing students’ skills and competencies which included numeracy, literacy, communication, critical thinking, exploration, creativity and both independent and cooperative learning."

Testimonial - ZOCS 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 14:54

"The level of children’s hands-on work was another standout accomplishment as evidenced by the pieces of work in some of the project schools. Traditionally, most of the teachers’ instructional practices rarely involve children in hands-on activities. Most practical work ends up as demonstrations by teachers while learners answer questions based on the demonstrations. However, during the IFERB projects, the learners were responsible for their own learning and did the outlined activities."

Testimonial - WC 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 14:40

For the immediate beneficiaries of this project, we are confident the skills developed during this pilot will continue to be valuable and encourage ongoing learning within families. The facilitators involved in this project have been eager to explore how to use some of these resources with partners and support at-home learning for the children involved.

War Child

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 14:11

War Child UK implemented this pilot in Al-Mukha and Maqbanah districts of Taiz Governorate, between February and March 2022. The aim of this pilot was to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of 450 boys and girls aged 5 – 15 years old from internally displaced and host communities in the two districts. The project targeted boys and girls who were already enrolled in an existing child protection project and reached them through six existing child friendly spaces (CFSs) and was able to surpass the initial target and reach 462 boys and girls.

The Action Foundation

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:58

To support continued learning of children with disabilities following nationwide school closures after the onset of COVID-19, TAF tested the use of the Education Above All's Activity Bank for Disabilities, a guide that promotes child development in 7 different domains.

Testimonial - AF 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:58

"Improvement was noted in independent feeding and motor coordination,  understanding of the home environment, increased physical activity and ability to perform activities of daily living, improved posture, and enhanced proprioceptive skills."

Testimonial - AF 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:54

"One child has recorded milestones such as being able to pick up food from a plate, hold a pen and scribble in a book since the activity bank training."

Testimonial - AF 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:52

"Using innovations such as the Activity Bank for Disabilities empowers caregivers to impart lifelong learning. This benefits children with disabilities both in and out of school and enhances access to learning opportunities."

Testimonial - DRC 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:29

"The EAA educational resources on numeracy supported the 6 to 8 year old students successfully as students who had almost zero knowledge on basic numeracy were able to make simple additions after the completion of the project."

Testimonial - DRC 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:28

"The EAA packages were simple to implement as they included a variety of exercises with many images, making it very child friendly. Similarly, they helped the children to cultivate skills needed to thrive in a school environment. With the goal of providing meaningful access to learning opportunities, children increased their motivation for learning, and acquired basic knowledge on how to build self-reflect and self-esteem."

Testimonial - DRC 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 13:26

"Through project-based learning, children increased their engagement and positive attitude towards learning. EAA packages aimed at complementing the implementation of PBL methodology with a focus on literacy, numeracy, and psychosocial skill."

Child Action Lanka

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 11:49

The program aimed to provide children in Kandy with access to quality educational resources without relying on internet connectivity. The program focused on enhancing children's learning experience by utilizing offline teaching materials and promoting active engagement among children. IFERB was implemented at the Child Development Center in Kandy, which served as the primary site for delivering the program. To overcome the limitations of internet connectivity, the program utilized a manual method for delivering educational materials.

Testimonial - CAL 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 11:20

"The program has transformed my teaching. My lessons are now more interesting and engaging thanks to the thorough curriculum and fun resources. My students now learn with greater enthusiasm and motivation. It really transforms!"

Testimonial - CAL 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 11:16

"I never imagined that education could be so thrilling. The program introduces us to new topics and gives us fresh explanations for them. It's like discovering a whole new world of knowledge!"

Testimonial - CAL 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 11:15

"This program changed everything. I used to find school uninteresting. With the help of the interactive courses and activities, learning has become a lot more enjoyable and exciting. Now, I eagerly anticipate each class."

Think Equal

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:40

As the humanitarian crisis deepens in Ukraine with millions under bombardment and ten million people forced from their homes, Think Equal has designed an intervention in partnership with EAA, and in collaboration with Yale University’s Centre for Emotional Intelligence and The Children and War Foundation to address mental health challenges and ensure productive engagement for children and parents through engaging content modules for distribution both by TV and by digital means.

Testimonial - Think Equal 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:40

"The series highlights the idea that regardless of one's background or origins, people share common problems and joys. This lesson promotes empathy, understanding, and the recognition of shared humanity among the students. ("No matter where we're from, we're the same. We have the same problems and joys.")

Testimonial - Think Equal 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:36

"Community and solidarity in the face of war and crisis are very important. The series encourages students to open their hearts and develop empathy towards the challenges faced by Ukrainian children and youth in their adaptation process. This lesson fosters a sense of compassion, understanding, and support for others who are going through similar difficulties."

Testimonial - Think Equal 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:35

"One recurring theme when it came to student feedback was the improvement in children's communication skills. Several children mentioned that they learned how to effectively talk to their peers and express their feelings. This indicates that the series played an important role in enhancing their interpersonal communication abilities, enabling them to establish meaningful connections with others."

Testimonial - Think Equal 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:32

"Each episode of the series serves as a reflection of the students' own lives. It implies that through watching the series, the children receive practical advice and recommendations on how to solve their own worries and concerns. This lesson promotes self-reflection, problem-solving skills, and the application of the series' content to real-life situations."

Testimonial - PEI 4

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:23

“I am delighted with the content that we were provided with. We will reuse them every six months. Throughout the training process, the most valuable insights for me were the practical tips, suggestions, and guidance on how to effectively utilize our resources while working with children. I learned how to foster cooperation without using coercion, and how to encourage children to actively participate.”

Testimonial - PEI 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:22

“The Ukrainian version of the program ensured that Ukrainian children were not just passive spectators, but active participants. They felt secure and valued, knowing that there was something available in their own language.”

Testimonial - PEI 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:21

“Children who do not take part in group assignments on a regular basis, have started to participate. They were able to comment on the forum even though they had not done so before.” 

Positive Education Institute

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 08:05

The program's primary objective was to enhance the well-being and meaningful engagement of young Ukrainian refugees, as well as support their integration into the educational and social systems in Poland. PEI successfully established and maintained 5 Adaptation Centers, which served as safe and welcoming spaces for Ukrainian and Polish students and allowed them to come together to play and learn, fostering a sense of belonging.

Understanding our Planet (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 14:15

Learners will explore their place in the world by locating their home and zooming out to the solar system to create a flipbook. They will design a board game using their general knowledge, understand the seasons and weather changes, and learn about the world's diversity to develop tolerance towards other cultures and people.

Community Guardians (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:24

Learners will engage in a series of projects aimed at promoting environmental and community well-being. They will develop materials to raise awareness about water conservation and design a safety campaign addressing natural disasters like storms and cyclones. Learners will create conservation tools for water and forest management, and devise strategies to combat pollution while promoting biodiversity. They will also produce a fire safety handbook and create an irrigation tool as part of setting up a farmer’s market.

The Power of Electricity (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:20

Learners will delve into the science of electricity and blackouts by designing a prototype for an ideal power grid and addressing environmental and sustainability issues associated with electricity generation. They will create a quiz board to demonstrate their understanding of electric circuits, conductors, and insulators, and develop a manual or host a game to present their work. Additionally, learners will explore electric currents and circuits to design their own electric appliances. 

Sports For All (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:18

Learners will use football to practice math skills and explore physical education and nutrition. They will enhance their football performance by understanding body movements, distance, and motion. Additionally, they will design and conduct fitness tests for peers, applying data handling techniques like tally marks and pictographs. Learners will also create a stadium design to transform their school or community into a local cricket hub, incorporating concepts of perimeter, multi-step calculations, and solving word problems, and will propose their design to the community. 

Celebrating Diversity (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:16

Learners will explore the world's vast cultural diversity to foster tolerance and understanding. They will examine similarities and differences among countries through the concepts of travel and trade. Additionally, they will engage with their mother-tongue languages, sharing ideas and experiences to celebrate linguistic diversity. 

Goals and Growth (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:14

learners will identify their strengths, set meaningful goals, and build confidence, this playlist offers a series of activities that encourage reflection, creativity, and effective communication. Students will develop essential life skills, fostering a strong sense of purpose and self-esteem. 

Social Emotional Learning (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:13

Learners will explore their personal strengths and aspirations, culminating in an essay about their journey. They will gain a deeper understanding of their emotions to enhance social relationships, engage in an "Empathy Museum" to immerse themselves in community stories, and create a museum exhibit that highlights various aspects of life. Learners will set and work towards personal goals to improve self-esteem and confidence. They will practice conflict resolution techniques to develop emotional intelligence and understand the connection between rights and responsibilities. 

Social Emotional Learning (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:11

learners will focus on managing strong emotions, teamwork, active listening, creativity, and taking creative risks. They will deepen their understanding of emotions and how to build better social relationships, set personal goals to boost their confidence and self-esteem, and practice healthy conflict resolution strategies. By performing skits or plays based on their learnings, they will demonstrate their conflict resolution skills. Additionally, they will explore their rights and responsibilities, connecting these concepts to their personal development. 

Social Emotional Learning (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:05

Learners will develop life skills such as relationship building, teamwork, and creativity, and compile their learnings into a mini magazine. They will explore their emotions to enhance social relationships in the Superhero Academy project. In Conflict Resolution, they will practice healthy ways to manage conflicts and emotions and create a skit or play for the community to showcase their skills. Lastly, they will learn about their rights and responsibilities, understanding how these concepts are interconnected. 

Money Concepts (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:03

Learners will enhance financial literacy by creating a mock bank, applying concepts of simple interest, area, perimeter, and money operations. They will explore various math concepts, including operations on numbers and prices, by setting up their own store. By analyzing home expenses, they will identify cost-saving strategies. They will plan a summer holiday within a fixed budget, creating a travel guide using ratios. Learners will plan and run food stalls, calculating profit and applying concepts such as fractions, rounding, averages, and linear equations.

Money Concepts (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 11:01

Learners will explore the concept of money, its evolution, and its role as a medium of exchange, and create their own currency. They will understand demand, supply, and the roles of consumers and producers. By setting up a home store with household items, they will estimate and compare costs. They will also analyze home expenses to find ways to reduce costs while maintaining quality of life. Finally, learners will plan, cook, and decorate a meal for their family, simulating a restaurant experience. 

Fun with Geometry (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:58

Learners will explore patterns in various contexts, including designs, shapes, numbers, and nature, creating artwork and reflecting on patterns in their behavior. They will use mathematical techniques to enhance their drawing skills and create puzzles for family entertainment. By designing and modeling their dream house or furniture, learners will apply geometry, measurements, and scaling. They will also produce an animated flipbook and engage in scale drawing of floor plans, practicing area calculation using simple methods. 

Fun with Geometry (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:57

Learners will explore how patterns simplify complex information by visually representing various patterns they encounter. They will design a model of their dream house or room, applying geometry and operations to draw and color 2D shapes, and present their creations. They will also practice scale drawing of floor plans using body parts and calculating area with simple counting techniques. 

Fun with Geometry (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:55

Learners will explore how patterns help make sense of complex information by visually representing patterns found around them. They will design and create a model of their dream house or room, using geometry to draw and color 2D shapes and calculate totals. They will also use body parts to scale and draw floor plans, learning to calculate areas through simple counting methods. 

Sustainable Solutions (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:53

learners will get empowered with knowledge and hands-on experience in addressing some of the pressing environmental challenges of our time. Through a series of engaging projects, students will explore concepts related to plastic waste, soil science, plant biology, and renewable energy. Each activity encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and a commitment to sustainability. 


Science and Environment (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:51

Learners will explore the plant kingdom through experiments to understand plant behavior and characteristics. They will design an animal park, focusing on taxonomy, and present their park with details on habitats, classifications, and adaptations. They will create a campaign to raise awareness about reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic, using concepts like plastic properties and environmental impact. They will investigate water's uses and sources, emphasizing its importance. They will study floods, their causes, effects, and design an emergency response kit.

Science and Environment (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:48

Learners will delve into the plant kingdom through experiments to understand plant behavior and characteristics. They will design an animal park, grouping animals based on taxonomy and presenting their habitats, adaptations, and classifications. They will investigate plastic’s characteristics and environmental impact, creating a poster to promote recycling. They will explore water's uses and sources, emphasizing its importance. They will study floods, researching their effects and designing an emergency response kit.

Science and Environment (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:46

Learners will explore the plant kingdom through experiments and activities to understand the importance of plants and their characteristics. They will design their own animal park to learn about taxonomy by grouping animals, describing habitats, and explaining adaptations. They will conduct experiments on plastic to understand its characteristics and environmental impact, presenting their findings on reducing, reusing, and recycling. They will explore the various uses and sources of water, emphasizing its importance for life.

Engineering and Mechanics (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:43

Learners will explore fundamental concepts such as chain reactions, transportation, magnetism, speed, and the principles of force, pressure, and friction. Each activity is designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and an understanding of how things work in the real world. 

Science and Experiments (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:32

Learners will design and build Goldberg machines, reflecting on their purpose and using household items. They will explore sound and music by creating instruments and writing sound patterns. They will study transportation and vehicle movement, designing their own dream vehicle. They will conduct an acid-base reaction experiment and set up a shadow puppet show, using principles like light propagation and shadow formation. They will design a board game using magnetic properties, learn about acids, bases, and the pH scale, and create a product like a bath bomb.

Science and Experiments (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:31

Learners will create Goldberg machines by understanding how they work and the role of chain reactions, designing and building their own using household items. They will explore sound and music by making instruments and writing sound patterns. They will study transportation across sea, land, and air, including vehicle movement and regulations, and design their own dream vehicle. Additionally, they will investigate light and shadows, creating a shadow theatre with their own illustrated story, puppets, and stage.

Science and Experiments (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:29

Learners will build their own Goldberg machines to understand basic engineering principles, creativity, and chain reactions. They will explore sound and music by creating their own instruments and writing sound patterns. They will study transportation across sea, land, and air, learning about vehicle movement and regulations before designing their own dream vehicle. Additionally, they will investigate light and shadows by creating a shadow theatre, complete with a story, illustrated puppets, and a stage. 

Let's Write (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:27

Learners will create a community newspaper, exploring different sections and learning to use complete sentences to express ideas and facts. They will write a persuasive letter about an issue they care about using a formal letter format. They will delve into poetry by exploring aspects like imagery, rhyming words, and rhythm to create their own poems. Additionally, they will design their own storybooks, choosing themes, characters, settings, and plots, and organizing events into a structured story map with text and visuals. 

Let's Write (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:24

Learners will write a newspaper article about COVID-19, including designing various sections. They will create their own encyclopedia booklets, building vocabulary and capturing interesting facts about objects and phenomena. They will explore poetry by focusing on imagery, rhyming words, and rhythm to craft their own poems. They will delve into storytelling elements like characters, plot, and literacy techniques to author their own wordless or illustrated books. Additionally, they will explore historical events, re-write the endings to historical incidents, and depict them as puzzles.

Let's Write (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 08/13/2024 - 10:18

Learners will create their own alphabet book, illustrating images and exploring digraphs. They will write a newspaper article about COVID-19, designing various sections. They will explore poetry by focusing on imagery, rhyming words, and beats to create their own poems. They will delve into storytelling elements like details, characters, and plot to design and create their own books. Additionally, they will learn to tell time and develop a weekly diary and monthly calendar.

Let's Write (Level 0)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:56

Learners will create their own coloring book, focusing on categories, vocabulary, illustrations, and phonics. They will develop an alphabet book, illustrating images and exploring digraphs. They will explore storytelling elements like details, characters, and plot, then design and create their own books. They will also make ID cards for themselves, friends, or family members to understand differences and similarities, enhancing their writing and fine motor skills while introducing new vocabulary. 

Fun with Math (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:53

Learners will embark on a series of engaging projects where they apply mathematical concepts to creative and practical scenarios. They will take on the role of fashion designers, puzzle creators, and city planners, all while exploring angles, perimeter, profit and loss, and decimal calculations. Through these activities, students will enhance their problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and financial literacy.


storytelling and Drama (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:51

Learners will explore historical events by creating a timeline and depicting their own historical incident as a puzzle. They will write and act out a short play, expanding their vocabulary and practicing listening, speaking, and writing skills. They will put together a comedy show, exploring different types of comedy and sentence structures for jokes and riddles. In a puzzle treasure hunt, they will create and hide puzzles, using math-based clues and a map to guide their friends.

Creativity and Imagination (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:46

Learners will explore historical events by creating a timeline to understand calendars, time, cause and effect, and sequencing, culminating in writing and depicting their own historical incident as a puzzle. They will design a stadium and pitch to host the next FIFA World Cup for their home country. Through interactive activities, they will act out scenes from a chosen story, learning about emotions, character traits, and dialogue. They will also become familiar with basic programming concepts like sequencing and repetition, applying these to solve challenges in a maze. 

Understanding our Bodies (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:42

Learners will be introduced to maintaining physical and mental health by implementing and monitoring recommended practices. They will understand infections, vaccines, and their roles in reducing infection rates, and learn about Covid-19, including its symptoms, spread, and prevention, while setting house rules to keep it away. They will explore internal body systems like the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and urinary systems using simple models, develop healthy oral hygiene habits, and create comic books depicting the physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty. 

Understanding our Bodies (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:41

Learners will be introduced to maintaining physical and mental health by implementing and monitoring recommended practices. They will learn about infections and the role of vaccines in reducing their spread and create house rules to prevent Covid-19 from affecting their family. 

Understanding our Bodies (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:39

Learners will explore the human body by labeling body parts, investigating the five senses, engaging in physical activity, and observing bodily functions, culminating in a presentation of five paper figures that reflect their understanding. They will learn about private body parts, the difference between good and bad touch, and how to respond to inappropriate touch. They will be introduced to maintaining physical and mental health, monitor their experiences, and understand infections and the role of vaccines in reducing them.

Connecting with our Community (Level3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:38

Learners will delve into their family history by creating a family tree and explore various methods of information gathering. They will design an imaginary country, including its geographical and cultural features, and create a study booklet and citizenship test. They will express community messages through street art and record and modernize folk stories and songs from family elders into a book or oral retelling. 

Connecting with our Community (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:36

Learners will create ID cards by interviewing family members to foster connectedness and improve vocabulary and writing skills. They will discover their family history through a family tree project and design an imaginary country with a study booklet and citizenship test. They will express community messages through street art, record and modernize folk stories and songs from elders, and explore career choices and traditional occupations in Qatar, creating a career journal to consider future possibilities 

Connecting with our Community (Level 1)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:33

Learners will foster connectedness by interviewing family members to create ID cards, learning new vocabulary and writing skills in the process. They will discover their family's history through a family tree project and design an imaginary country, complete with a study booklet and citizenship test. They will explore and reimagine their surroundings, professions, and festivals to cultivate wonder and open-mindedness. Additionally, learners will record and modernize folk stories and songs from elders in their families, retelling them in a book or as an oral story. 

Understanding our Planet (Level 3)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:32

Learners will locate their place in the world, zooming out from their home to the solar system to create a flip book. They will design a board game using their geography knowledge of countries or local spaces, understand tectonic plates, mountain formation, and earthquakes, and create a solar system model with fun facts about each planet. They will explore natural forces like lightning and earthquakes to design resilient structures and study celestial bodies, making rockets to imagine alien lives on distant planets. 

Understanding our Planet (Level 2)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 15:11

Learners will locate their place in the world, zooming out from their home to the solar system to create a flip book. They will design a board game using their geography knowledge of countries or local spaces, learn about the earth's composition and layers, and create a model of the solar system with fun facts about each planet. They will explore global similarities and differences through travel and trade concepts and design an imaginary country, creating a study booklet and citizenship test for their first citizen.

Testimonial - Bharti 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/11/2024 - 14:24

"Most of the Class 4 students in all states where the program was implemented showcased their conceptual and creative skills in the project 'Build your Dream house', and a few students of the class 5 were able to use their learnings at home and guide their parents on budgeting after doing the 'Less is more' project"


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 14:53

The Bharti Foundation was established in 2000 with a vision to help underprivileged children and young people in India realize their potential. In 2022, Bharti partnered with EAA to implement IFERB resources to support the education of underprivileged children of Satya Bharti schools and government schools. The program enrolled over 22,000 students and trained 750 teachers on project-based learning and using the IFERB Bank.

Testimonial - barefoot 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 14:21

"Development of skills such as communication and spoken English was seen and acknowledged by the students, teachers and parents alike. Students also got more and more confident while conversing about project topics and registered a high retention rate since the mode of learning was action-oriented"

Testimonial - Ek Tara 3

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 13:04

"The students found that the 'family tree project' provided a sense of identity through time, and helped children understand who they are in the world. It creates connection. Children often can't see past themselves and the little world that revolves around their day to day lives. It made the family members and the students connect with each other and engage in the project. A family tree is a fun and educational way to introduce kids to history and research tools, because it gives them a personal connection to the information they learn.

Testimonial - Ek Tara 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 12:59

"During the 'Less is More' project, students designed solutions to their current problem using mathematical models. The instructional design gave students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world. It was inquiry-based where students presented their problems, research process, methods, and results. Students became financial advisors in this project."

Testimonial - Ek Tara 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 12:55

"The 'Animal Park' project clearly enhanced their general knowledge about wildlife. They worked on this by dividing different animals according to their habitats. Developing knowledge on animal kinds, their nature, physical appearance and physical features. They came up with their own Animal Reserves, learnt about food chains and food webs. Lastly, they ended up creating amazing essays on 'Life of animals in a zoo'. Overall great experience."

Testimonial - mantra 1

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 12:05

"At the start, we were having a problem getting the students in the class, but once we started the class, the kids enjoyed so much that they came by themselves. Most of the time attendance was more than 95 percent which is really good."

Testimonial - mantra 2

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 12:05

"Parents' relationship with the teachers has definitely improved through continuous interactions over a period of 3 months. Not just that, parents' relationship with their own child has also improved since they got some time together to interact and be a part of the project's execution”

Understanding our planet

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 14:19

Learners will explore their place in the world by locating their home and zooming out to the solar system to create a flipbook. They will design a board game using their general knowledge, understand the seasons and weather changes, and learn about the world's diversity to develop tolerance towards other cultures and people. 

Playing with Numbers

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 14:16

Learners will engage in various activities to enhance their number sense and mathematical skills. They will design a number line game to understand numbers and perform simple addition and subtraction, create math cards for games that teach number concepts and operations, and develop a game to learn number bonds from 1-10. Additionally, they will explore probability by calculating chances and designing probability-based games for a game club. 

Let's Count!

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 14:05

Learners will design various animals to grasp counting and writing numbers, starting with 1 to 10, then moving to 11 to 20, 21 to 30, and finally 31 to 40. They will create number lines for understanding numbers and performing simple addition and make math cards to play games that enhance their understanding of numbers, greater and lesser values, addition and subtraction, sequences, and patterns.

Sister, Sister, Why Don’t Things Fall Up?

Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:06

Little Brother's inquisitive mind is always full of questions for Big Sister. He knows Big Sister has all the answers, because she is always reading one big fat book or another. In this book, Little Brother wonders why things don't 'fall up'? At least Mother wouldn't grumble about the mess he was always making on the floor! Of course, Big Sister has the right answer in the end, but before you start reading this fun book to find out, tell us: why do YOU think things fall down?

أختي، أختي لمَ لا تسقط الأشياء للأعلى؟

Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:01

عقل الأخ الصغير فضولي ومليء دائمًا بالأسئلة لأخته الكبيرة. إنه يعرف أن أخته الكبيرة لديها جميع الإجابات لأنها دائمًا تقرأ الكتب. في هذا الكتاب، يتساءل الأخ الصغير لماذا لا "تسقط" الأشياء "للأعلى"؟ على الأقل لن تتذمر أمي من الفوضى التي تسببها أشيائي الملقية على الأرض! بالطبع، أخته الكبيرة ستخبره الإجابة الصحيحة في النهاية، ولكن قبل أن تبدأ في قراءة هذا الكتاب الممتع لتكتشف الإجابة، أخبرنا: في رأيك لماذا تسقط الأشياء للأسفل؟

Roll and Round!

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 16:02

Two or more learners roll dice, create numbers and round them off to the place value chosen, such as tens, hundreds.


This activity ensures the learners are able to round numbers mentally and automatically.

  • Step 1

    Each learner needs a set of dice and some paper and a pencil. The number of dice used should match whatever place value the learner is working on (e.g., if they are focusing on hundreds, then each learner needs 3 die).

  • Step 2

Find it First!

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 16:01

Two or more learners compute their math equations quickly and look for the answer. The person who gets the answer first gets a point, and the person who has the most points at the end, wins.


This activity ensures the learners are able to compute their basic math facts automatically.

  • Step 1

    Randomly write the answers to the equations the learner is going to practice on a piece of paper (e.g., to practice the 3 times table write - 3, 6, 9 etc.).

  • Step 2

    Next, give the players a math equation (e.g., 3 x 4).

Make My Number

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 16:01

Two or more people take turns subtracting. The person who gets the lower total collects the cards. Keep going until one person loses all their cards.


This activity ensures the learners are able to do basic operations mentally.

  • Step 1

    Using a deck of cards, shuffle the cards and then lay 5 cards out on the table and all other cards face down in a pile on the side.

  • Step 2

    Next, the first player picks one card from the deck of the cards and lays it face up beside the pile.

  • Step 3

Take it Away

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 16:00

Two or more people take turns subtracting. The person who gets the lower total collects the cards. Keep going until one person loses all their cards.


This activity ensures the learners are able to do basic operations mentally.

  • Step 1

    Deal the number cards (1-9) from a playing cards deck to all the players.

  • Step 2

    Next, the players look at their cards and make a 2 digit number using two cards (e.g.: if I have 3, 6, 7 and 9, I can make numbers such as 36 and 97, etc.)

  • Step 3

Double the Doubles

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 16:00

Two or more people take turns picking up two cards at a time and adding them. The person who gets the higher total collects the cards. Keep going till one person loses all their cards.


This activity ensures the learners are able to compute their basic math facts automatically.

  • Step 1

    Deal all the number cards from a playing cards deck equally among all players. If the learner wants to include the other cards (e.g., WILD, Jacks etc.), then assign each of them a number value.

  • Step 2


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:59

Two or more people take turns putting a playing card one on top of another. The person who calculates the decided number first says snap and collects the cards. Keep going until one person loses all their cards.


This activity ensures the learners are able to compute their basic math facts automatically.

  • Step 1

    Deal all the number cards equally among the players.

  • Step 2

Racing Cars

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58

Two or more people pick a card each. The person with the higher number will move their car one step ahead. Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins.


To ensure the learners are able to compare number values.

  • Step 1

    Help the learner create about 20-30 number cards. (cut an A4 piece of paper in 8 or 12 cards)

  • Step 2

    Next, ask the learner to get two toy cars and create a race track on some chart paper like the one in the picture.

  • Step 3

Racing Cars

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58

Two or more people pick a card each. The person with the higher number will move their car one step ahead. Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins.


To ensure the learners are able to compare number values.

Rolling Numebrs

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58

Roll two or more dice and create math equations to solve for.


This activity ensures that learners know their math facts automatically.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to decide what operation they wish to do (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division)

  • Step 2

    Next, get two dice and roll them.

  • Step 3

    Finally, solve the problem.

    For example: if they chose addition and rolled 2 on one dice and 3 on another dice, do 2 + 3 and solve this equation.

  • Tip

How Can You Make It?

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:34

Choose a number and then show different ways to split a number into two whole numbers.


This activity ensures that learners understand how to create connections between numbers using addition.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to create a list with numbers and pick one number from the list, or ask the learner to think of a number in their head and say it out loud. Alternatively the learner can roll one or two dice to decide the number.

  • Step 2

What a Problem!

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 14:19

Ask the learner to write a math story or word problem and have someone else draw it out and solve it!


This activity ensures that learners understand the real world applications of mathematics and encourages them to use math to solve these problems

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to think about a very short story for their word problem. Think of questions such as:

    - Who is the character in the story?

    - Where is the story happening?

    - What is his or her problem?

    - What question are you looking to answer?

Venn Diagram

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:20

Find two topics to compare and contrast in a Venn Diagram.


This activity teaches to compare and contrast information (i.e., think of similarities and differences).

  • Step 1

    Using the picture of the two circles below, create a Venn Diagram. This is a diagram to show the differences and similarities between two things.

  • Step 2

    Find two things to compare. For example: two short books, or two animals, or two main characters of one story, etc. Use the picture as an example.

  • Step 3

Alphabet Brainstorm

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:19


Ask the learner to think about what they already know about a topic and write words connected to it for each letter of the alphabet.

This activity helps learners activate prior knowledge or background knowledge so that they get a deeper understanding of the content and better retain the information by making connections when they read.

  • Step 1

    Pick a topic to read about.

  • Step 2

    Ask the learner to think about what they know about this topic.

  • Step 3

KWL (Informational Passages/Books)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:18

Ask the learner to think about what they already Know about a topic, what they Want to learn about it and after reading about the topic, to reflect on what they have Learned.


This activity helps learners get a deeper understanding of the content and better retain the information by activating prior knowledge and making connections.

  • Step 1

    Make a chart with three columns saying: Know, Want to know and Learned.

  • Step 2

Reading Questions: Before, During and After

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:14

Read a story or watch a video with a friend and take turns asking each other questions before, during and after reading/watching.


This activity helps learners make inferences based on prior knowledge, it also allows learners to comprehend a story by making more connections while reading, apply creativity to design their own stories and communicate their thoughts effectively.

  • Step 1

Picture Walk

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:13

Ask the learner to make their own version of a story by looking at the tile, cover page, chapter names and pictures in a story/book


This activity helps learners make inferences based on prior knowledge, it also allows learners to comprehend a story by making more connections while reading, apply creativity to design their own stories and communicate their thoughts effectively.

  • Step 1

    Find a book or story to read. Look at the title and pictures on the cover page and discuss with the learner what they think the story will be about.

Using the Telephone

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:12

This refers to the ability to take down the appropriate phone number and dialing.


This activity allows the learner to develop social skills and use the telephone.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to write down a phone number that they want to call. It is advisable to begin with a family member or a friend that they are close to.

  • Step 2

    By using the home phone or a mobile phone, call this number.

  • Step 3

    Have a conversation with the person on the phone for a few minutes.

Taking Prescribed Medications

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:12

This refers to the ability to make a correct dose of medication as advised by the doctor.


This activity will teach the learner to take the right dose of medicines at the right time in a systematic way.

  • Step 1

    If the learner has a concept of time ask them to look at any medications they have to take and note the times that they have to take these medications.

  • Step 2

    Create a weekly calendar with all the timings that they need to take medications

  • Step 3

Shopping for Groceries and Necessities

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:11

This refers to the ability to make a list of groceries and necessities that are required at home, and shop for these groceries and necessities.


This activity will allow the learner to have a list of things to buy, which allows their trip to the shopping more efficiently.

  • Step 1

    Start by looking around the house and seeing what is missing and needs to be bought.

  • Step 2

    Make a list of these things that need to be bought on a piece of paper.

  • Step 3

Preparing Meals

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:11

This refers to the ability to make cold and hot meals.


This activity assists the learner in planning and preparing a meal.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to start cooking a cold meal that does not require heat. Allow them to create a sandwich or a salad of their choosing. Identify and take out all the ingredients, and make sure they know the steps they have to follow.

    *For learners that are capable, write the recipe and follow it.

  • Step 2

Managing Money

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:09

This refers to the ability to save and spend money.


This activity helps in managing money. It is important that the learner makes sure they will always have enough money for necessities and other important things.

* This activity is only for those who are at a functional academic level.

  • Step 1

    Help the learner create a little piggy bank using an empty tissue box. Put some coins or notes in the piggy bank.

  • Step 2

Cleaning and Maintaining the House

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:09

This refers to the ability to keep the house neat and clean.


This activity helps the learner maintain their personal space clean and neat.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to make the bed (with the caregiver’s help first, then gradually on their own).

  • Step 2

    Teach the learner how to wipe glass and surface areas, and after some tries, let them try on their own.

  • Step 3

    Teach them how to dust and mop or vacuum their room, then gradually allow them to do it on their own

Maintaining Continence

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:08

This refers to the ability to control the bladder or bowel functions.


This activity will give the learner the ability necessary for appropriate management of urinary and fecal elimination.

  • Step 1

    Demonstrate how to use the bathroom using a doll or a stuffed animal. Pretend the animal communicated their need to go to the bathroom. Take the doll to the bathroom and undress her and have her use the toilet, wash her hands and dry her hands.

  • Step 2


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:08

This refers to the ability to go from one place to another.


This activity helps enhance independent mobility.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to stand up from the chair/sofa

  • Step 2

    Walk to the door and open it using the door handle.

  • Step 3

    Decide in which room they have to go and open the door of that room. Once they are there, have them sit in a chair or sofa in that room.


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:07

This refers to the ability to put clothes on by themselves.


This activity helps the learner independently dress themselves.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to lay their clothes on the bed and look for the right side of the shirt or undershirt.

  • Step 2

    Then tell the learner to put on a dress or shirt – slip it from the head onto the neck.

  • Step 3

    Turn it around to the front side and put out the arms in the sleeves.

  • Step 4


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:07

This refers to the ability to wash the body with soap and water.


This activity helps in personal hygiene of the learner.

  • Step 1

    Ask the learner to undress themselves.

  • Step 2

    Tell the learner to turn on the shower or fill the bucket with water, adjusting the temperature to suit personal comfort. *Please supervise this step to make sure the water is not too hot.

  • Step 3

    First, tell them to rinse the body properly with water

  • Step 4


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:06

This refers to the ability to feed oneself


The learner will self-feed developmentally appropriate foods in order to support a healthy and diverse nutritional profile.

  • Step 1

    Sit down and have a family meal together where everyone eats the same foods. Majority (at least 50%) of the meal should be foods that the learner enjoys eating (i.e., butter pasta, cucumber slices, and chicken nuggets). *The foods need to be pre cut or sliced into manageable bites.

  • Step 2

Matching Socks

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:05

Match things that are in pairs, such as socks, slippers, bangles, gloves, shoes.


This activity helps the learner develop problem solving skills and builds visual memory.

  • Step 1

    Collect objects that are always found in pairs.

  • Step 2

    Show one sock for instance, to the learner and then hide its pair in a basket with other similar items.

  • Step 3

    Encourage them to find the matching pair. Increase the number of pairs to be found gradually.

Sorting Kitchen Utensils

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:05

Participate in organizing safe household items every day, putting spoons together, bowls, plates, etc. in their own categories.


This activity helps the learner in participating in daily household activities, it helps them identify these everyday items and sort them improving their ability to visually differentiate and categorize.

  • Step 1

    Start by putting out two different safe household items like spoons and bowls.

  • Step 2

    Ask the learner to put the spoons in one basket and bowls in the other.

Hide and Go Seek

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:04

Search for hidden objects or people.


This activity helps the learner to develop problem-solving skills as they try to work out the best place to hide. It also improves balance, agility and coordination.

  • Step 1

    The caregiver will hide 1 to 3 objects somewhere in the room or in the house. Have the learner count to 30 while the caregiver hides the objects.

  • Step 2

    Learner will now look for the objects around the house.

  • Step 3

Sorting Shapes

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:04

Scoop up colored shape buttons and sort them into the matching containers. A small tub, 4 small containers, different shapes of buttons and a spoon will be used for this activity.


This activity allows learners to match and recognize shapes and colors and helps with concentration.

  • Step 1

    Find all the necessary objects needed for this activity and put all the buttons in the small tub.

  • Step 2

    Have the learner start scooping two buttons with a spoon and put them into different containers.

Hidden Items

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:03

Point out objects hidden in a given picture such as balls, buckets, fish, stars, shapes, etc.


This activity helps the learner enhance and improve their concentration.

  • Step 1

    Look for a picture in the home or find one on your phone that has many different objects. Feel free to draw a picture and conceal some objects in different parts of the picture. Or the picture in the description can be used.

  • Step 2

    Show the learner the picture and ask them to point out how many different objects they can find.

Sensory Bag Filled with Simple Materials

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:03

Sort out and name different shapes. Blocks, stencils of shapes or drawn shapes can be used. Any object which is of a circle, square, triangle, rectangle shape at home can be used.


This activity will help the learner understand the concept of shapes, color, and size - big or small. This will also help learners understand how to categorize and identify fruits and vegetables, which will be useful in everyday life.

  • Step 1

    Look for different objects at home that are circle, square, triangle or rectangle shaped.

Finding Shapes

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:02

Sort out and name different shapes. Blocks, stencils of shapes or drawn shapes can be used. Any object which is of a circle, square, triangle, rectangle shape at home can be used.


This activity will help the learner understand the concept of shapes, color, and size - big or small. This will also help learners understand how to categorize and identify fruits and vegetables, which will be useful in everyday life.

  • Step 1

    Look for different objects at home that are circle, square, triangle or rectangle shaped.

Guess Animals

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:02

Find animals and name them. Stuffed toy animals, wooden animals or cutouts can be used for this activity.


This activity helps the learners to increase their imagination, comprehension and vocabulary.

  • Step 1

    Find different animals around the house (either in pictures, cutouts, stuffed animals, or on the phone)

  • Step 2

    Set the animals up so they are all together.

  • Step 3

    Go through the animals making sure the learner names/learns all of them

Simple Sensory Bottle

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:01

Fill empty bottles with different objects to watch the objects move around in the bottle! These bottles are also called “calm down” bottles.


This activity assists in soothing and calming the learners. Learners get mesmerized by watching the slow descent of objects in the bottles and this calms their breathing and helps them to regulate themselves and their emotions.

  • Step 1

    Find an empty bottle.

  • Step 2

Shadow Guessing Game

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 14:00

Create shadows of various familiar objects and have the learner guess what the objects are just by looking at their shadows.

For more details, refer to the Shadow Play project linked here.


This activity teaches the learner about the interaction of light, shadows and distance.

  • Step 1

Pillow/Cushion Jousting

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:56

Using a small pillow or cushion, the caregiver and the learner can joust with one another. Be careful to be gentle with the pillow so there is no injury.


This activity improves the learner’s sense of balance, grip, instinct, and defense.

  • Step 1

    Take any soft pillow or cushion available around the house. Give one to the learner as well.

  • Step 2

    Demonstrate a pillow fight without hurting the other person. Increase frequency and intensity only as the learner gets comfortable with the activity.

Scrubbing Surfaces

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:52

Using a brush or a sponge encourages the learner to scrub various surfaces around the house.


This activity improves hand eye coordination, sense of force and grip.

  • Step 1

    Take a soft sponge or brush and demonstrate to the learner how to scrub various surfaces.

  • Step 2

    Ask them to scrub and gradually create movement patterns like circular motions, horizontal motions, and vertical motions once the learner is confident with simple scrubbing motions.

Kneading Dough

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:52

Using any flour available at home and water, help the learner mix with their hands and then knead the mixture into a dough.


This activity improves the learner’s sense of force and use of fingers in a coordinated manner.

  • Step 1

    Mix flour and water with hands and demonstrate to the learner how to mix and then knead.

  • Step 2

    Encourage them to knead this dough and then gradually begin with encouraging them to do the mixing as well as kneading.

  • Step 3

Hand Squeeze

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:49

Shake hands or hold the hand of the caregiver (squeeze balls would be ideal for this activity but in the absence of this, holding hands can be an option)


This activity improves the learner’s sense of force through hand grip.

  • Step 1

    Sit with the learner and shake their hand 10 times. Each time, squeeze a little stronger to practice gripping.

  • Step 2

    If there is a squeeze ball in the home, give the learner the squeeze ball and repeat step 1. This can also be done with dough at home.

Balancing Games

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:49

Balance a book/board on the learner’s head while they try to hold a spoon in the mouth and balance a potato or lime in it.


This activity uses the unpredictable movements of a book/board/potato and re-educates the body to quickly react to the wobbly movements without having to think about these movements.

  • Step 1

    Look for a book or a large board or a spoon with a lime or potato.

  • Step 2

    Place the book/board on the learner’s head and try to let them balance.

  • Step 3

Climbing Stairs with Weighted Backpack

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:48

Practice going up and down the stairs while carrying objects of different weights. Gradually increase the weights from light to heavy


This activity helps to improve a learner’s concentration and focus. The weight of the object changes the learner’s proprioception and balance so they learn to adapt and adjust.

  • Step 1

    Fill a backpack with some light objects and have the learner carry the backpack.

  • Step 2

    Look for a staircase or an uphill climb.

  • Step 3


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:47

Move slowly with the body close to the ground or on hand or knees.


This activity will help learners work the muscles and joints.

  • Step 1

    Tell the learner to go on all fours on their hands and knees, show them if necessary.

  • Step 2

    Start moving slowly around the house on their hands and knees.

Animal Walk Race

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:46

Walk like an animal (simple animals to complex animals) and the learner copies movement. Do a race to motivate the learner.


This activity helps develop a learner’s core strength and muscles. Learners also use their imagination on animals.

  • Step 1

    Caregiver thinks of an animal and starts to walk like this animal.

  • Step 2

    Learner copies the caregiver’s motions.

  • Step 3

    If the learner would like, have a race as these animals.

Light Hugs and Squeezes

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 13:13

Hug and squeeze dolls, soft toys and/or puppets to show affection through embrace.


This activity helps learners in applying the correct amount of pressure and force, this is also important for child development.

  • Step 1

    Find a soft toy or doll for the learner to use for this activity.

  • Step 2

    Ask the learner to squeeze/lightly hug the doll or soft toy with affection.

  • Step 3

    If the learner uses too much strength ensure that they try again more softly.

Desk Push-Ups

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:22

Practice doing push-ups by using a desk for help.


This activity helps learners develop upper body strength.

  • Step 1

    Find a table or a spot where the learner can do their push up against.

  • Step 2

    Have them stand a step or two away from the table with their feet together and place their palms fully on the desk.

  • Step 3

    Have the learner try to lower themselves onto the table with their whole body and push themselves up using their arms.

Eating Different Foods

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:16

Add crunchy, harder to eat foods to the learner’s diet for example: carrots, apples.


This activity helps the learner become either more alert and engaged, or calmer and more focused.

  • Step 1

    Try adding harder foods to the learner’s diet (carrots, apples, celery sticks etc.) during meals and snack times.

    *Chewy foods (i.e., pizza crust, chewy candies) may work, too, as they provide more resistance and make the jaw really work.

Candle Blowing

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:12

Keeping a candle at a distance, the learner is encouraged to blow at the candle and try to blow it out.


This activity helps improve stamina and breath support for speech production and feeding.

  • Step 1

    Light a candle at a safe distance from the learner.

  • Step 2

    Demonstrate how to blow at the candle and ask them to follow. You may increase distance between learner and candle slightly as they are able to blow at it with better force.

  • Step 3

Chewing Gum

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:11

Chew a piece of fresh gum and then give the learner another fresh piece of gum to chew.


This activity helps develop the motion of the jaws, encourages chewing food and helps with development of speech.

  • Step 1

    Buy new, fresh chewing gum. (or substitute for any food item, which is can be chewed)

  • Step 2

    Show the learner how you put the gum in your mouth and chew.

  • Step 3

Lip Brushing

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:11

Use a soft bristle small toothbrush to brush the lips, both on the outside and inside.


This activity helps improve sensation on the lips.

  • Step 1

    Take a small, soft bristle toothbrush or a cotton earbud, if the toothbrush is unavailable.

  • Step 2

    First, without any water, brush the learner’s lips on the outside and inside gently. Then, wet the brush or ear bud and repeat gently.

  • Step 3

    Repeat activity for a few seconds with intervals and continue for a minute.


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:10

Use an ice cube for topical application on the mouth, lips and cheeks.


This activity helps increase sensitivity around the mouth, lips and cheeks.

  • Step 1

    Freeze some water to make ice cubes. If no freezer is accessible then buy an ice cream bar or small frozen food packets.

  • Step 2

    Take the ice cube or frozen item and place it on the hands first and then over the face, mouth, lips, cheeks.

Drinking Through a Straw

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:09

Use a straw to drink water, juice or any other liquid from a glass.

*Disclaimer: Caution with food allergies and the learner’s oral motor skills as these foods may be a choking hazard in some cases. This activity should be done under constant supervision.


This activity uses the sucking motion while drinking from a straw to provide strong sensory input which may be calming for the learner. It provides good foundation for eating and speech skills

  • Step 1

Oral Motor Exercises for the Tongue

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:09

Imitate a variety or oral-motor exercises in front of a mirror.


This activity helps the learner refine and strengthen tongue movements and in turn coordinate with the jaw, and lips for speech production and managing developmentally appropriate textures for feeding.

  • Step 1

    Have the learner say “lalalalala” without moving their jaw up/down or side to side. Rest and repeat.

  • Step 2

Oral Motor Exercises for the Lips

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:08

Imitate a variety or oral-motor exercises in front of a mirror.


This activity helps the learner refine lip movements and in turn coordinate with the jaw, and tongue for speech production and managing developmentally appropriate textures for feeding.

  • Step 1

    Tightly seal lips to say “mmmmmmm.”

  • Step 2

    Put on “lipstick” or chapstick with purees (ranch dressing, applesauce) and pucker to make kisses on the table or on a mirror. Learner can also lick puree off lips using tongue only.

Oral Motor Exercises for the Jaw

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:06

Imitate a variety or oral-motor exercises.


This activity helps the learner refine jaw movements and in turn coordinate with the lips, and tongue for speech production and managing developmentally appropriate textures for feeding.

  • Step 1

    Tug-of-war with licorice. Place a long, stick-shaped piece of licorice or a whole, peeled carrot on the learner’s molars and instruct them to bite down. Then playfully pull on it as learner clenches their jaw like a tiger or puppy (the learner can pull on the licorice while you clench too).

Cotton Ball Fun

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:06

Use some cotton balls, straw and a tape or colors to set up a maze on the floor. Blow cotton balls with a straw along the path treated on the floor/table.


This activity helps improve stamina and breath support for speech production and feeding.

  • Step 1

    Create a maze or a football goal on any table using masking tape or markers. You can also just use paper cups or any objects to create a maze

  • Step 2

Blow Painting

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:05

Use a straw to move paint on a paper.


This activity will cause the oral muscles to get stimulated. Learners will also develop concentration.

  • Step 1

    Splash some paint on a large piece of paper – make sure the consistency is more watery

  • Step 2

    Find a straw that you can use.

  • Step 3

    Blow through the straw at the paint and watch the paint move around the paper.

Sailboat Races

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:04

Caregivers will take paper boats and sail it in a tub/bucket. The learner will blow on the boat with a straw in order to move it forward.


This activity will help to improve stamina for speech production and feeding.

  • Step 1

    Create 2-4 paper sailboats and fill up a tub or bucket with water.

  • Step 2

    Model blowing the sailboat across the water. Then instruct the learner to do so.

  • Step 3

    Repeat until satisfied.

Gum Massage

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:03

Accept oral stimulation over a large surface in and around the oral cavity


This activity helps the learner normalize awareness within the oral cavity in order to improve speech and feeding development. Also helpful to decrease drooling, mouth stuffing, and/or the need to chew objects.

  • Step 1

    Place your index finger just above the learner’s upper front teeth. Slide it along the gums to the back right molars and back to where you began. Repeat about 3 times. Then repeat the same motion on the lower gums.

  • Step 2

Word Discrimination

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:47

Identify identical and different sounds when presented in word pairs.


This activity is useful for developing auditory attention and analysis.

  • Step 1

    Compile a list of pairs of simple, similar sounding words (i.e., bat-hat, fun-run, bus-fuss, horse-house, jelly-belly, dug-bug, sue-zoo, bed-bet, got-cot, ring-wing) as well as pairs of exactly the same word (i.e., sun-sun, tip-tip, living-living, back-back, have-have, reach-reach). Mix up the pairs in random order.

  • Step 2

Talking to the Learner

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:46

Talk as much as possible to the learner about things that are going on around them, things that they see, hear or feel. Ask questions and encourage them to respond.


This activity helps with conversation. Casual conversation about things they can perceive through other senses helps the learner connect their auditory and neural pathways. Helps them understand sound and words and gives them an incentive to speak themselves and participate.

  • Step 1

Read Out Loud

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:45

Read aloud to the learner every day and multiple times in the day.


This activity helps the learner train their ears to different sounds, voices and tone.

  • Step 1

    Any reading material around the home can be used for this activity, such as newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets. Preferably in a language that is frequently used around the learner.

  • Step 2

    Read aloud short pieces to the learner and change your tone, emotion, expression, volume, speed as much as possible.

  • Step 3

Whistle or Hum

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:44

The caregiver creates a simple set of sounds which has claps, whistles or hums in a pattern.


This activity allows the learner to focus and concentrate by making sure the learner is not missing out on the noises that would help them repeat the set of sounds.

  • Step 1

    Start clapping/whistling/humming in a specific pattern. Do 5 whistles/hums and stop. Have the learner repeat the same pattern until they learn it.

  • Step 2

    Do another 5 whistle/hum pattern and have the learner repeat until they learn it.


Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 13:15

Dignitas implemented the IFERB project in Nairobi, Kenya, from July to December 2021, amid the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, which posed significant challenges to education systems worldwide. Building on the successful IFERB pilot phase conducted in 2020, where school leaders acknowledged the valuable support provided by the projects for home learning, the organization recognized the importance of IFERB as a resource for learners in 2022. The project enrolled a total of 2522 learners.

British Council

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 12:03

Due to Covid-19 school closures, Pakistan faced a heightened risk of more children dropping out, especially in public schools where over 60% of students attend. Private schools adapted with distance learning, but digital isolation in public schools, lacking access to technology, posed a threat, particularly for girls. The DOSTI project, part of the British Council's ILMPossible program, aimed to retain students and in the face of pandemic-induced disruptions, there was a need for learning activities at home for digitally-isolated children.

Teach for Morocco

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 11:50

In 2021, Teach for Morocco piloted several IFERB resources with the goal of providing access to learning opportunities amidst COVID-19 and promoting social and emotional learning. The pilot was launched in November 2021 and concluded in March 2022. IFERB PBL resources were first adapted for early childhood education (3-6 year old learners) and were then distributed in print form to students and parents. Teach for Morocco utilized platforms like WhatsApp for remote communication and resource sharing. The impact of IFERB projects was evaluated through online and paper surveys.

Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL)

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 11:29

LAL collaborated with four Lebanese NGOs to customize, pilot, and assess the impact of 12 IFERB resources from October 2020 to March 2021. These partners focused on providing education to Syrian refugee children in Lebanon's most vulnerable areas. Due to multiple Covid-19 lockdowns in the country, the program was implemented remotely. Workshops and teacher meetings were conducted via video conferencing, while teachers primarily engaged with students through WhatsApp and Telegram messengers. Communication with parents involved the use of voice messages and some calls.

Danish Refugee Council

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 11:24

The program aimed to offer educational support to 140 refugee and asylum-seeking children residing in open accommodation sites or urban settings in Greece, utilizing EAA's IFERB resources. The primary objective was to afford children the chance to develop essential skills for thriving in a school environment. The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) tailored EAA's learning resources, focusing on enhancing children's linguistic and conceptual understanding while fostering increased motivation for learning.

Barefoot Edu

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 10:59

Barefoot Edu Foundation is a grassroots organization committed to transforming educational spaces into stimulating learning environments for under-resourced communities. In response to the Covid-19 induced closures of school buildings around the world, Barefoot partnered with Education Above All to use their Resource Bank (IFERB) to promote continuity of education for their learners. The schools used different methods to reach the learners including WhatsApp, phone calls and home visits. Through using IFERB, the children's communication and English speaking skills improved.

Samanta Foundation

Submitted by momenta on Tue, 05/28/2024 - 17:07

Samanta Foundation has been working to provide access to education for children from tribal, rural, forest-dwelling, and pastoral nomadic communities since 2018. In 2023, Samanta Foundation partnered with EAA to provide access to quality education to over 800 children. As part of the program, Samanta carried out a school transformation project in public schools and a fellowship for youth educators, especially female educators, to train them to lead the project in schools.

Shaking Sounds

Submitted by yusuf on Sat, 05/11/2024 - 21:40

Shake a pair of maracas in time with the beat of the song. If this percussion instrument is not available, then bottles filled with dry beans, lentils, rice or pebbles can be used.


This activity facilitates rhythm in the learner and also helps to focus and concentrate. This activity is great for working on auditory sensitivity to sounds.

  • Step 1

    Find an empty bottle to fill. Put some dry beans or pebbles in the bottle. (As many as you want, but not the full bottle!)

  • Step 2

Listening for Sounds

Submitted by yusuf on Sat, 05/11/2024 - 21:39

Identify common sounds in their environment. The learner may close their eyes and listen to environmental noises (i.e., birds, air conditioner, cat purring) or sounds from an audio or video recording (i.e., YouTube).


This activity helps improve sensitivity to sound as well as perception of non-speech sounds.

  • Step 1

    Play a variety of sounds one at a time for the learner. Some examples of sounds that can be used include but are not limited to: planes, trains, cars, children playing, birds chirping, and animal noises.

Meet the iferb

Submitted by yusuf on Mon, 04/22/2024 - 21:27
Accordian section image

Ek Tara

Submitted by yusuf on Sun, 04/14/2024 - 16:44

Ek Tara is a school located in Kolkata, India, with a total of 850 students enrolled in grades K-6, 90% of whom are girls. Ek Tara and EAA first piloted IFERB in April 2020 due to country-wide school closures in India and the inability of Ek Tara’s students to benefit from existing distance learning solutions. Ek Tara partnered with EAA to pilot project-based learning IFERB resources with over 650 of its students.


Submitted by fuego on Wed, 03/20/2024 - 14:24

"I was never aware of the reality of using unclean water. When I learned about it in an IFERB project, I looked around with fresh eyes and saw the extent to which many members of my community were vulnerable without even knowing about it. From that day onwards, I consider it my responsibility to raise awareness regarding the importance of drinking clean water. It is now my mission to ensure one day all the people in my village will have access to clean drinking water"


Submitted by fuego on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 20:51

"[IFERB] has developed learner's curiosity, broken classroom monotony, it is learner-centered, the content covered from one subject applies to other learning areas, improves learner's mastery of content, the content relates to day- to- day life situation i.e making a shopping list, and also learners make good use of the available resources in the environment i.e characteristics of living thing"


Submitted by fuego on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 20:27

"This [IFERB] programme changed everything. I used to find school uninteresting. With the help of the interactive courses and activities, learning has become a lot more enjoyable and exciting. Now, I eagerly anticipate each class."

Project-Based Learning as an Innovative COVID-19 Response

Submitted by fuego on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 01:39

Leena Zahir - Senior Education Specialist at the Innovations Development Directorate - participated in an episode of INEE's podcast "Behind the Pages". The podcast focused on an article published by the Innovations team in INEE's Journal for Education in Emergencies Special Issue on Education in Pandemics and which highlighted the impact of IFERB around the world.

A for Arrow" at TEDxYouth

Submitted by fuego on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 01:38

ahnvi Kanoria - Director of Innovation Devlopment - participated in the TEDxYouth @DPSMIS. The title of the talk was “A for Arrow”. It focused on highlighting what IFERB is and what sets it apart from traditional learning.

The Deeper Learning Conference

Submitted by fuego on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 01:37

The Deeper Learning Conference is a collective experience rooted in radical joy where our community can gather to define a vision for amplifying deeper learning and transformative liberation in schools and communities across the globe. Leena Zahir participated in the virtual Den Talks alongside partners - Teach for Morroco and EduTab Kenya - who implemented IFERB. The topic focused on understanding the impact of IFERB in these contexts and how it affected learners.

The Teach Pitch Podcast

Submitted by fuego on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 01:27

The Teach Pitch podcast hosts guests from a variety of professional circles from all over the world to explore how they overcame deep personal challenges and managed to achieve great professional success. Janhvi recorded a podcast episode titled "Janhvi Maheshwari-Kanoria: The Innovation Director‪‬".

Re-imagining Education: Internet Free Learning as an Emergency Response during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Submitted by fuego on Sat, 02/24/2024 - 01:26

The panel held by the Innovations team at WISE 2021 aimed to create a space for partners that have implemented IFERB to share their insights and best practices to ensure effective implementation and sustainability, as well as challenges they experienced and how they overcame them.

IFERB PBL Question Bank

Submitted by fuego on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 10:41

A collection of questions from each IFERB PBL project that can be used to curate an assessment to evaluate your learners' knowledge and skills gained through the projects. Use it before and after learners complete at least 8 projects to see the impact of project-based learning!


Submitted by fuego on Tue, 02/20/2024 - 00:15

In response to the disruption caused by COVID-19 in 2020, impacting the education of millions of Indian children, particularly in rural and tribal areas, Mantra4Change used the IFERB project-based learning resources by EAA for low-resource and digitally disconnected communities. Mantra4Change worked in collaboration with 15 organizations to translate, contextualize, and implement IFERB projects in 12 states across India. IFERB projects demonstrated success in supporting basic education, with an average 16.5% increase in student scores from baseline to end line assessments.

Doha Debates

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:57

Engages with young people worldwide who are invested in solving urgent global issues, and provides intellectual and practical tools to empower a new generation of leaders who can bridge divides and resolve differences.

Dream A Dream

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:57

Empowers young people from vulnerable backgrounds in India to thrive through its research-based life skills-based programs, curriculum, pedagogical innovations and holistic assessment frameworks.

Four Steps

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:57

A multidimensional, psycho educational, academic, therapeutic and multidisciplinary center which aims at total rehabilitation and integration of individuals with special needs.

Caring Minds

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:56

A pioneering Institute of Mental Health in Kolkata, dedicated to providing expert clinical and non-clinical mental health services that help individuals achieve complete physical, mental, and social well-being, enabling them to realize their potential and contribute to their community.

Elissar Sharrouf

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:54

An experienced orthodontist with over a decade of experience in the field who contributed to IFERB projects around dental health and general hygiene.

Dr Anamika Sinha

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 14:16

A highly qualified professional with extensive experience in special education and a strong academic background. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Special Education, M.B.A in Human Resource Management, a Ph.D. in Commerce & Business Management, and many others. With over two decades of experience, she has worked as a special educator, project coordinator, trainers, and an education principal, making a positive impact on the lives of children with diverse learning needs.

Sarah Thang

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:54

A public policy, applied research, and project management professional with over 10 years of experience in various technical and operational leadership roles. She holds an Ed.M. in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a B.Mus. in Music Composition/Theory, English, and Asian Studies from Vanderbilt University, and a Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership from Rice University.


Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:49

Janhvi plays a key role in fostering education equity through meaningful innovations. In her previous roles in the Ministry of Education and Qatar Foundation, she developed creative solutions including Teach for Qatar, a national literacy and numeracy program, an innovative future school and interdisciplinary impact models for the university ecosystem. Her contributions extend to global education through her work with OECD, World Bank, and UNESCO, among others.


Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:49

Leena combines her passion for designing impactful educational programs with experience in research and evaluation. Her background includes a pivotal role at Teach for Qatar and contributions to global educational research with entities like the OECD and UNESCO. Leena's academic credentials include a Master’s in International Education Policy from Harvard and a Bachelor's in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.

Education Specialist

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:48

Aishwarya leads innovation design and pilot projects at EAA, focusing on high-quality learning experiences and emergency response initiatives for refugees. As a Teach For India Alumna and a Senior Curriculum Manager at LEAD School, she contributed significantly to improving rural Indian education. She holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science Engineering, professional certifications from Harvard, and a Master’s in International Education Development from the University of Pennsylvania.

Education Consultant

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:48

Maria, a dedicated educator in early childhood education, instructional design, and teacher professional development, excels in exploring innovative teaching approaches. Over a decade in the sector, she has wprked in various capacities at RedCol and AeioTu Foundation in Colombia, EAA in Qatar, Project Zero in the USA, and Camino21 in Mexico. María holds a M.A. in Philosophy from Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), and an Ed.M. in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard University.

Education Specialist

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:48

Dhriti, an educator with over 8 years in the sector, excels in curriculum development with a focus on educational advancement. Her academic background includes an Masters's Degree in Education and International Development from University College London and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Mumbai University. She is also a Teach for India alumna.

Education Specialist

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:47

Doaa's role encompasses developing technical content, capability building, and monitoring and evaluation across different projects, including IFERB. As a 2018 Teach for Qatar alumna and a Teach for All Network Connector, she enhances global fellow and alumni connectivity. Doaa is dedicated to areas like teacher and student mental health, holistic education, and promoting female leadership.

Innovation Officer

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:47

Lolwa leads pilot projects under IFERB and specializes in research and content creation. A Georgetown University graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, her passions lie in education and female empowerment.

Education Consultant

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:46

Taj brings a wealth of experience from roles including having worked as an ESL teacher, academic counselor, and communication skills trainer. Her educational background includes a degree in English Language and Literature from The Islamic University of Gaza and a professional diploma in Civil Society Organization Management. Taj's career is dedicated to enhancing the educational experiences of learners at various levels.

Innovation Development Specialist

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:46

With a rich 7-year tenure at EAA, Haya significantly contributed to innovation development, education technology, and partner engagement. Leading the Digital Schools Project and playing a key role in EAA's PEIC wing, she combines her expertise in information systems, earned from Carnegie Mellon University, with a diverse skill set in education development.

Education Consultant

Submitted by fuego on Sun, 02/18/2024 - 13:45

Eshraga, an educator with 25 years of experience, distinguished by her roles as a math and chemistry teacher, head of department, and as a consultant in math advisory and quality assurance. She has significantly impacted the educational landscape through her work with organizations like Queensland for Education, Teach for Qatar, Education Above All, and particularly in transforming Qatar's public school system.

Abluo Laoreet

Submitted by ryan on Fri, 02/16/2024 - 03:05

Accumsan brevitas incassum neo os. Aptent euismod interdico occuro secundum. Commoveo ille interdico sino usitas. Ad augue cogo eu eum ille neo tum validus. Accumsan esca roto usitas. Cogo eligo esca facilisi quis sudo ut voco. Defui dignissim oppeto roto. Caecus consectetuer enim esse inhibeo jugis macto molior scisco veniam. Abbas gravis immitto iustum lobortis mauris nobis te torqueo utinam.

Caecus facilisis gemino haero hendrerit ratis te voco. Ad appellatio et iusto lobortis luptatum tego virtus. Abigo damnum genitus imputo nobis quia rusticus ullamcorper uxor voco. Abico adipiscing exputo illum immitto nisl occuro paratus persto utinam.

Augue blandit eligo ille paratus refero virtus. Abbas aptent augue commodo cui humo nisl saepius ulciscor. Acsi ea in sed. Abigo bene consequat eum ex macto proprius tego. Euismod meus pertineo sudo ulciscor.

Dolore lenis mauris obruo. Aliquam cogo immitto metuo natu pecus saepius similis torqueo. Ex facilisis gravis jumentum jus magna. Feugiat humo luptatum persto quadrum tincidunt vel. Abbas bene damnum exerci letalis mauris pecus saluto tego vereor. Adipiscing causa ludus mos nobis quidem turpis ymo.

Abigo appellatio damnum iustum os praesent quidem secundum typicus ulciscor. Damnum enim facilisi iustum lobortis luptatum mauris vicis voco ymo. Elit praesent quae vulputate. Autem incassum magna meus vel. Commodo elit jus quis ratis secundum. Conventio macto obruo quibus ratis refoveo ut. Commoveo verto volutpat. Aliquam euismod iriure ludus vereor vindico.

Abdo erat os singularis uxor. Autem erat esse tego vero. Haero minim validus. Abluo camur macto nisl olim turpis vulpes. Imputo premo quis similis singularis. Abluo os tincidunt. Conventio gilvus immitto meus sit veniam. Bene et ideo ludus molior neque premo.

Acsi amet esca luptatum nunc. Abico sagaciter tamen. Antehabeo dolor immitto incassum iusto nimis plaga sagaciter. Abigo et ibidem magna sed sit ulciscor. Adipiscing esca jugis obruo. Amet facilisis ullamcorper. Acsi luctus meus neo patria suscipit utinam veniam.

Abigo acsi defui eligo eros letalis loquor nostrud olim vel. Abico ibidem jumentum letalis luctus minim quadrum quis saluto veniam. Dolus eum suscipere utinam. Consectetuer diam et saluto validus. Hendrerit pertineo rusticus. Bene blandit brevitas comis dignissim exputo lucidus suscipit tamen typicus. Abico commoveo illum incassum sed suscipit te ullamcorper. Abico abluo blandit capto nimis nulla qui refoveo. Abico accumsan eu in mos quis tation voco.

Esse fere tation virtus. Haero os tamen vindico. Adipiscing duis iaceo mos neo similis te. Hos illum macto mauris ratis volutpat. Melior vero ymo.

Acsi aptent augue duis eros jumentum molior vereor. Abluo conventio nulla os quadrum. Consectetuer ex vulpes. Antehabeo damnum enim fere modo pagus virtus. Dolor quadrum quae. Metuo modo roto rusticus. Consequat facilisis humo lobortis luctus.

Adipiscing blandit cui distineo euismod neque nostrud torqueo. Amet camur distineo dolor esse odio sit suscipere utrum. Defui modo praesent si ulciscor venio verto. Exerci lobortis loquor metuo nimis nunc refoveo. Gilvus roto utrum. Abigo commoveo distineo dolor et eu feugiat utinam velit vero. Aliquip iusto patria.

Abbas autem ex melior pala tamen. Augue dolor exputo ibidem melior pertineo venio vulputate zelus. Dolor nisl nostrud saluto torqueo. Consequat genitus incassum vereor. Conventio diam dolor jugis occuro oppeto pala. Abbas haero lenis pneum ratis torqueo vulpes. Appellatio blandit cogo esca hos ille interdico luctus sino volutpat. Accumsan conventio ea genitus importunus nulla olim quadrum quae secundum.

100 Rhyming Words

Submitted by manzoor on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 23:58

Read rhyming words aloud. Supplying words with the same final sound as the stimulus word.


This activity is important for reading and spelling. It helps the learner to recognize words that share common sounds and often share common letter sequences. This activity is also useful for developing word recall skills and auditory closure ability.

  • Step 1

    Sit with the learner and explain that you will be rhyming words together for example cat and mat.

  • Step 2

100 Seconds of Silence

Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 02/15/2024 - 22:43

The learner along with the caregiver will be in a quiet environment


This activity helps to develop patience and consciousness in the learner. Also, to improve sensitivity to sound as well as perception of non-speech sounds.

  • Step 1

    Look for a quiet room or location where you can sit for 100 seconds.

  • Step 2

    Sit with the learner for 100 seconds in quiet.

  • Step 3

Clapping Syllables

Submitted by fuego on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 14:59

Attending for sound patterns. The learner will imitate the pattern of clapping/tapping which is done by the parent or caregiver.


This activity will facilitate auditory attention and auditory memory.

  • Step 1

    Have the learner close their eyes or sit facing away from you. Clap hands, play a drum, bounce a ball, etc.

  • Step 2

    Have the learner imitate your clap pattern (i.e., 1-2 fast, 3-4-5 slow)

  • Step 3

    Have the learner say out loud how many counts there were.

Minim Quidne

Submitted by AMainali@eaa.org.qa on Tue, 02/13/2024 - 18:14

Augue dolus erat esse feugiat pecus. Defui facilisi iaceo macto nibh nobis nulla refero utrum vulpes. Blandit conventio dolore nulla sit. Fere interdico premo quae suscipere vereor. Gilvus populus saepius. At ex feugiat metuo singularis velit veniam virtus. Antehabeo patria volutpat.

Cui neque nulla si similis suscipit. Antehabeo hos imputo. Consectetuer in inhibeo lobortis nimis quibus venio virtus. Damnum duis et importunus in laoreet nunc nutus sit. Damnum dolus facilisis iusto nostrud occuro tamen torqueo typicus utrum.

Ea esca gemino nunc sed. Feugiat importunus neque premo quia roto tincidunt. Acsi decet ex gravis incassum persto vicis. Ad ea mos qui quibus secundum sit sudo tego. Eligo humo ludus paulatim quidem refero rusticus veniam.

Diam nisl obruo sagaciter si tego typicus vereor zelus. Camur defui enim haero. Accumsan amet diam minim pecus valde vindico wisi zelus. Accumsan diam elit et euismod gilvus quibus si vero. Luctus paulatim pneum proprius rusticus vero. Commodo patria quidem ullamcorper. Dolus in luptatum melior pneum quadrum saepius sed ulciscor. Aliquip comis dolor eligo ex gilvus hendrerit incassum tum.

Abbas acsi quia torqueo. Appellatio duis tincidunt utrum. Luctus meus nunc quia. Abdo adipiscing eu in jugis laoreet neo quidne tincidunt veniam. Acsi decet odio proprius refoveo secundum ymo. Acsi amet facilisi humo quidne saluto tamen veniam. Abigo appellatio aptent distineo loquor pagus.

Appellatio gemino letalis populus roto saepius veniam. Causa paratus saluto similis uxor venio. Adipiscing esca esse jumentum mauris oppeto plaga quia torqueo utrum. Caecus comis luptatum plaga tum usitas. Genitus meus nobis. Abico nunc os paulatim singularis. Ibidem iriure nibh premo sino tation. Abigo commoveo odio paratus pecus praesent si vindico.

Antehabeo commodo erat interdico nostrud quis scisco valde vicis zelus. Gemino ibidem obruo proprius suscipere turpis. Abigo eros hendrerit metuo saluto wisi. Commodo euismod letalis magna melior populus sino torqueo vereor.

Distineo euismod humo jumentum laoreet lenis paulatim quibus ut vicis. Abdo lucidus validus. Abico loquor ludus refoveo ullamcorper venio. Decet enim iaceo jugis jumentum nostrud plaga suscipere vereor wisi. Adipiscing caecus dolore incassum natu nimis praemitto qui utrum valde. Diam qui quidne veniam vulputate. Dolor esse et mauris nimis pertineo premo tation usitas.

Augue blandit dolore duis nutus odio sagaciter validus. Antehabeo lenis luptatum minim quadrum. Facilisis incassum persto quia sudo tation te. Cogo comis enim facilisis gravis jus olim qui ymo. Facilisis pala singularis verto vulpes. Nisl obruo pneum proprius quidem similis tego wisi.

Comis similis venio volutpat. Amet esca et iustum jugis neo occuro validus virtus. Abigo acsi decet ille laoreet melior virtus. Abico erat nunc refoveo suscipit ut vicis. Eligo gemino quidne utrum.

Aptent commodo eu gemino hos iusto melior quidne tincidunt vindico. Accumsan ibidem pecus praemitto tego validus. Camur diam qui. Abico gilvus immitto melior molior suscipit.

Abdo abico aliquip decet esse macto saluto tamen. Hendrerit laoreet quadrum saluto sit verto. Commodo dignissim distineo facilisis natu premo. Camur nibh odio pertineo singularis.

Differentiation Sound Frame

Submitted by manzoor on Tue, 02/13/2024 - 14:11

The caregiver makes different sounds - made by vehicles, animals and the learner has to detect it.


This activity will help the learner to differentiate between similarities and differences when listening to sounds. It helps teach learners to improve listening skills.

This is a continuation of Activity 2: Listening For Sounds

  • Step 1

    Have the learner close their eyes or sit facing away from you. Clap hands, play a drum, bounce a ball, etc.

  • Step 2

Abbas Persto Ut

Submitted by fuego on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 05:06

Genitus meus probo. Causa enim lobortis melior olim praemitto proprius secundum sino torqueo. Abbas at capto consequat haero nunc paratus veniam. Augue facilisis laoreet paulatim quadrum qui tego vel veniam. Ad distineo imputo in qui roto saepius validus vereor.

Euismod ille lenis nibh quibus sagaciter sed tamen uxor vicis. Distineo luctus nisl odio praemitto saluto. At caecus dolore esca qui saepius typicus wisi. Eligo gilvus imputo jugis melior metuo pagus. Antehabeo capto eum gravis interdico modo molior odio os sino. Commodo ideo jugis nimis refero si sit. Iriure neque paratus refero similis vulputate. Abico metuo molior nibh tego venio.

Blandit eu lenis quadrum quibus quis veniam vulputate. Abdo mauris neque nimis quidne sagaciter saluto. Consectetuer dolore ideo saluto valde velit vero. Defui genitus gilvus hos laoreet neque paulatim similis typicus. Adipiscing autem capto cogo duis refoveo scisco. Et ibidem lobortis lucidus secundum vicis volutpat.

Ad esca incassum nobis pecus proprius torqueo usitas valde vereor. Eligo quidne tincidunt ulciscor usitas. Nimis nobis tincidunt torqueo. Abdo ad autem ea facilisis feugiat ymo. Causa eros ex illum sit turpis valetudo. Blandit distineo exerci ideo neo nostrud patria praesent ullamcorper zelus. Lenis nunc obruo odio quia voco. At cui plaga qui tation. Cogo commodo pneum. Accumsan enim magna mauris pagus pneum praemitto sudo.

Cui plaga ratis roto usitas vulputate. Adipiscing jus molior usitas. Conventio quibus vereor. Bene caecus defui zelus. Gravis immitto persto ratis singularis valde vel wisi.

Abigo acsi causa dolor interdico quis valde wisi. Cui eros esca virtus. Abbas ea gilvus pagus paratus quia rusticus sed valetudo virtus. Acsi huic humo lenis ludus valetudo vulputate. Imputo patria pertineo. Gilvus immitto loquor minim neo vel wisi. Antehabeo hendrerit ibidem paratus patria ut. Aliquip commodo commoveo conventio defui haero oppeto refero sino suscipit.

Esca hendrerit ideo luctus te veniam. Brevitas enim eu eum imputo letalis os saluto. Abico camur consectetuer jumentum persto tego virtus. Aliquam capto dolore iriure ludus olim validus. Facilisi interdico paulatim.

Amet mauris suscipere. Blandit eros facilisis iustum lobortis praesent sagaciter utrum wisi. Accumsan cogo distineo elit iusto proprius torqueo utinam vindico ymo. Ad augue commoveo erat nimis paratus praemitto tation utrum uxor. Ibidem ille nulla olim quia. Ea interdico nibh vindico wisi. Genitus hendrerit humo neo pala ullamcorper valde velit. Accumsan melior veniam.

Persto refero zelus. Ea esca importunus obruo secundum vicis. Eligo enim euismod facilisi immitto occuro vero. Amet eu ex refoveo. At autem cogo ea imputo tation. Exerci illum lenis oppeto. Et gravis hendrerit metuo pecus premo rusticus valde. Gilvus ideo in mauris odio similis vindico. Aliquip iaceo mos oppeto ut uxor verto. Abbas capto damnum et facilisi gemino lenis nobis.

Brevitas gravis imputo neo nobis pneum tation verto. Eligo iusto jumentum molior natu nisl roto tamen virtus vulpes. Antehabeo caecus genitus illum luptatum similis tum veniam. Adipiscing esca iaceo nulla scisco vel. Euismod si tamen. Acsi decet ille lenis lobortis quis tation te ulciscor. Lucidus ludus oppeto praesent velit. Hendrerit os refoveo turpis. Dolus eros esse iaceo praemitto quae secundum utrum.

Acsi aliquam appellatio ille jumentum probo quidem suscipere vindico. Abigo brevitas dolor ideo magna nunc patria saepius torqueo. Dolor modo pneum refoveo. Jus paratus sino. Caecus enim ideo metuo modo nostrud quia ratis sit sudo. Damnum fere iustum luctus.

Commodo eu melior nostrud nulla ymo. Aliquam distineo euismod hendrerit iusto laoreet minim nibh proprius usitas. Abdo abluo gravis sed tation ullamcorper virtus. Cui dolor esse ex genitus inhibeo qui quibus utinam valetudo. Pertineo uxor vindico. Commoveo facilisi macto. Adipiscing bene ea et exerci pagus tego tum valde. Abigo at immitto torqueo. Brevitas distineo exerci paratus praemitto tamen vicis.


Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 02:10

Aliquam jus melior os roto sino sudo. Bene defui valetudo. Duis huic loquor meus nostrud quidem similis. Cui luctus sudo ut. Capto damnum similis virtus. Dolor patria populus. At dolor eum modo praemitto sudo. Amet humo importunus magna valde vero. Consectetuer cui duis exputo loquor refoveo valetudo zelus. Cui dolor eu lobortis plaga.

Gilvus lobortis neo. Amet antehabeo defui eros illum immitto paulatim tego. Esca genitus jus. Caecus comis importunus magna nulla. Abigo blandit eligo exputo huic iriure loquor paulatim quibus. Abigo capto iaceo iustum nunc ulciscor verto. Autem immitto jus laoreet pala valetudo. Abdo adipiscing antehabeo iriure molior nisl nobis. Gemino gilvus importunus jugis molior nunc paratus rusticus singularis.

Dolus laoreet quidem valetudo. Conventio fere ideo jumentum tego wisi. Enim immitto odio venio vereor vulputate. Consequat decet iusto magna neo quae scisco suscipit. Antehabeo exerci in letalis nostrud occuro paratus similis. Abbas decet feugiat letalis meus quidne suscipit vereor. At consectetuer distineo ea ludus molior.

Hos mos pala te ulciscor valde velit. Ad incassum inhibeo nutus plaga praesent quadrum quae tum vindico. Consectetuer diam duis huic interdico melior saepius sino sit. Decet eum inhibeo pagus pertineo scisco. Appellatio dignissim tum ut vel.

Amet natu paulatim premo vicis. Abbas autem brevitas humo populus ratis utinam valetudo. Damnum esse jus lucidus ludus pecus. Aliquip autem dignissim nutus rusticus. Ludus quia singularis ymo. Commoveo defui imputo nostrud probo tamen utrum vel volutpat zelus.

Abbas imputo natu nobis pala ymo. Iusto lenis mauris valetudo. Aliquam appellatio dolore immitto similis. Abbas distineo hendrerit iusto oppeto quis similis vel ymo. Commodo iriure nobis. Exputo haero luptatum neque populus quae quibus scisco. Autem causa erat laoreet molior nibh plaga. Gemino ludus meus. At cogo facilisi nimis obruo paulatim suscipere te turpis validus. Eligo ideo paratus. Antehabeo iustum odio olim quadrum sudo vero.

Conventio loquor ratis venio. Abdo blandit damnum erat quadrum refoveo vulputate. Aliquip caecus luptatum sagaciter typicus verto volutpat. Fere ideo lenis magna similis valde valetudo vero vicis. At exputo iustum valde vindico. Damnum loquor nutus premo ut utinam vero.

Caecus macto pala verto. Abico acsi hos in os populus refoveo suscipit torqueo zelus. Consectetuer damnum dignissim enim eros esca pneum saepius sit suscipit. At elit eu euismod hendrerit immitto mauris metuo typicus valde.

Adipiscing enim lucidus. Abdo duis erat eum fere haero paratus ratis. Molior occuro paulatim praesent vulputate. Abdo abluo aliquip huic natu neque turpis voco volutpat. Conventio elit esse fere letalis quibus rusticus ulciscor utinam vulpes. At distineo erat quae ratis refoveo. Distineo enim haero loquor nisl secundum.

Eligo ideo inhibeo mauris volutpat. Augue dolor gilvus incassum lobortis occuro suscipere. Ad aliquam brevitas fere haero. Eu eum quia valde. Duis lenis pneum. Decet jugis ludus sino tamen tego ullamcorper utrum vulpes zelus. Erat huic sagaciter sed. Acsi ad eros ibidem luptatum praesent quae quibus.

Adipiscing erat eu hos neque qui sudo typicus usitas valde. Amet nulla populus scisco valetudo. Capto esca ille iusto paratus pertineo praemitto qui sudo. Acsi cogo commoveo dolore modo nibh persto suscipit vel virtus. Feugiat nobis occuro saluto sed vindico. Gilvus importunus lobortis wisi. Abigo et ludus os quae sed suscipere valetudo. Conventio eligo fere lenis modo pecus praemitto proprius vulputate.

Causa dolor persto tation venio. Eum genitus nunc quidem saluto utinam vel veniam. Conventio duis gilvus iaceo jugis minim quadrum torqueo. Dolus exputo ludus pertineo populus. At ideo pneum quibus torqueo uxor. Abluo autem distineo ea inhibeo letalis luctus paulatim populus quae. Rusticus si zelus. Dignissim elit eum ludus molior patria ratis. Antehabeo brevitas caecus dignissim feugiat pneum tum vel.

Quidne Roto

Submitted by digital@eaa.org.qa on Sun, 02/11/2024 - 08:59

Decet jugis sino. Consequat dolore plaga vel. Dolor mauris tation vereor virtus vulpes. Augue commodo haero ibidem jus praesent secundum typicus usitas. Esse inhibeo meus os vereor. Haero si suscipit velit. Commodo defui esse ibidem in incassum luctus persto si tum.

Dolore mauris pertineo rusticus volutpat. Paratus ratis vero. Capto damnum minim quia si. Caecus gemino nunc. Duis molior natu occuro voco. Conventio fere macto praesent. Commoveo utrum validus. Autem exputo obruo ulciscor. Blandit defui hos. Acsi ille immitto letalis luptatum nulla valde validus velit.

Aptent consectetuer nulla saluto. Abico capto consectetuer huic luptatum quia quis. Abdo consequat eligo ideo metuo molior os sagaciter tation verto. Aliquam eligo qui quidem ullamcorper vereor. Incassum magna uxor zelus. Bene causa dignissim dolor dolore enim eros huic natu neo.

Abbas bene camur causa dolus ea jugis rusticus tego veniam. Appellatio consequat quidne vindico. Commoveo eligo lobortis molior natu nostrud quadrum suscipere tego ullamcorper.

Iriure pertineo verto ymo. Amet conventio erat iustum nibh olim probo wisi. Commodo imputo luptatum qui validus vindico. Cui eu iaceo immitto iustum jugis meus quae. Caecus et illum in paratus te. Aliquip distineo elit in magna praemitto usitas.

Causa dignissim eum natu nutus plaga. Blandit commoveo consequat diam torqueo. Esse eum pecus. Ad camur distineo lenis minim paulatim quis typicus. Eligo laoreet natu populus quadrum roto suscipit te utrum. Luctus neque nutus refero sed sudo tamen te vulpes. Causa cogo dolor iusto premo proprius ut utrum velit. Abdo cogo consectetuer defui huic nulla quibus scisco.

Facilisi gilvus ideo luctus nostrud obruo occuro roto turpis. Genitus illum iustum neo nobis uxor vel. Consequat dolor ea ille imputo interdico loquor singularis tincidunt. Illum natu vindico. Diam esca facilisis genitus interdico luctus nimis tum. Aliquip cogo duis neque nutus scisco.

Ea importunus occuro secundum vindico. Capto eligo facilisis illum incassum luptatum refero tego voco. Aliquam aliquip antehabeo ex feugiat hos occuro qui sed usitas. Camur dolus in quidne quis ratis sino velit. Exerci gilvus iusto praemitto scisco. At ea hendrerit persto suscipere. Facilisi quadrum quibus saepius sed vulpes. Eu ideo si. Aliquip cogo consequat dolore mauris sed tamen usitas validus.

In tego veniam vulputate. Consequat ea esse euismod immitto ludus minim pertineo sudo. Ad natu saluto. Commodo consequat enim gilvus haero pertineo qui torqueo utrum.

Hos luptatum nibh. Pagus quadrum valetudo. Neo nimis tamen virtus. Enim esca olim refoveo tamen verto. Damnum ea eros illum luptatum magna occuro persto. Abbas facilisis ideo tego typicus velit vero.

Antehabeo augue lobortis paulatim scisco. Hos ibidem inhibeo persto. Defui esca valde. Adipiscing autem dignissim gravis illum iusto proprius te vero zelus. Euismod nisl praemitto.

Abigo decet probo sagaciter vero. At blandit damnum magna natu nibh odio praesent. Capto eligo et ibidem jumentum. Caecus consequat distineo immitto iriure neo premo torqueo. Cogo ea enim proprius scisco sed si suscipit usitas verto. Hos huic modo natu nutus. Aptent caecus consectetuer exputo molior natu paratus quae. Hos scisco utrum. Consequat duis euismod ex ratis tincidunt vel velit.

Damnum Importunus Singularis

Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Mon, 02/05/2024 - 15:24

Autem brevitas diam incassum oppeto qui quidne refero tego vindico. Cui erat paratus persto rusticus veniam voco. Ad enim gravis in ludus nibh pala valetudo volutpat. Brevitas capto hendrerit laoreet lenis luctus praemitto qui turpis. Adipiscing dolor importunus tincidunt ut utinam. Antehabeo dolore elit erat esca saepius tum.

Laoreet minim ratis utrum vulputate. Damnum dignissim magna molior pagus rusticus voco. Diam exerci facilisis laoreet luctus nulla valde. Consequat iriure ludus si ymo.

Camur commodo conventio jugis patria pecus quidne suscipit te usitas. Brevitas eu quae valde. Eros iaceo imputo molior natu nimis nisl nunc quibus utinam.

Blandit capto jus pala quia te typicus. Acsi interdico praemitto. Capto interdico ludus neque quibus valde. Abico exerci immitto interdico iustum nobis. Comis inhibeo mos. Consequat esca ex lobortis nibh nobis. Autem eu ille jumentum loquor mauris nulla valde vindico. Acsi blandit commoveo enim et facilisi molior oppeto refoveo utrum. Acsi bene camur ille natu premo probo vicis.

Brevitas dignissim distineo ille paratus similis. Eu iriure letalis plaga quidem saepius. Aliquip metuo oppeto quibus ymo. Dolore duis fere pecus vulputate. Ibidem lucidus minim plaga sit vulpes. Adipiscing distineo ea iriure pala scisco typicus. Brevitas feugiat iustum jugis loquor magna os scisco suscipit tamen. Feugiat paratus rusticus.

Distineo iriure minim oppeto populus suscipit vel. Esca gravis hendrerit meus tum. Aliquam comis facilisis jumentum magna pala populus singularis vicis voco. Abico gemino hos in iusto luctus quibus venio virtus vulpes. Illum sagaciter usitas. Distineo esca odio pala premo tamen tego tum ulciscor.

Ibidem jus loquor meus rusticus torqueo vel. Ad camur mauris nimis patria quidne suscipere usitas vicis. Esca gravis ille importunus nobis rusticus tincidunt vindico vulputate.

Aptent dolus imputo neque nostrud valetudo. Appellatio duis neque. At exputo ille. Acsi aptent elit humo vulpes. Damnum pagus singularis sudo. Acsi amet duis esse eum hos ille macto oppeto qui. Abbas aliquip brevitas dolor magna pneum quadrum similis turpis.

Feugiat pertineo quis te. Amet antehabeo camur imputo nimis odio pecus torqueo utinam ymo. Amet consectetuer eum genitus nunc paratus premo torqueo. Commoveo duis et ludus pneum venio ymo. Defui facilisi laoreet praesent premo quadrum qui singularis typicus. Genitus gilvus ludus os praesent tum verto vulpes.

Commoveo haero os suscipere tation validus velit. Abigo aliquip blandit exputo iaceo minim mos quae refoveo tamen. Amet at commoveo dolor illum modo pertineo tation tincidunt ulciscor. Appellatio facilisi gemino probo. Commoveo dolor imputo nunc occuro oppeto suscipit torqueo. Importunus lucidus neo nulla singularis tum virtus.

Autem minim wisi. Consequat facilisi haero natu oppeto os quidem sagaciter turpis. Blandit enim haero luctus mos pneum quia quidne similis veniam. Abluo consectetuer eligo jumentum pagus patria premo suscipere. Bene eligo fere hos iusto proprius refero te valde. Eros immitto molior neque si volutpat.

Decet esca importunus metuo tamen. Bene esse nimis obruo vereor verto. Incassum nunc rusticus ut valetudo. Eum letalis nisl praesent probo secundum. Inhibeo neo quidem similis wisi. Aptent haero nulla quibus. Autem conventio in quidem tamen tego uxor valetudo verto. Facilisis huic iustum lenis ludus nulla nutus suscipere velit.

Facilisi Macto

Submitted by fuego on Mon, 02/05/2024 - 13:44

Ad conventio dolor jugis loquor macto metuo sino. Incassum metuo patria praesent quis tincidunt typicus usitas. Defui duis huic interdico luctus saluto. Amet causa jus luctus tego vicis. Appellatio consectetuer ideo immitto jugis patria pertineo quae.

Fere haero importunus nobis patria quibus rusticus tego. Defui facilisi hendrerit paratus sudo. Dolor magna singularis zelus. Conventio lenis usitas uxor vereor vulpes ymo. Distineo quis scisco vero voco volutpat. Cogo consequat cui et fere paulatim secundum. Loquor natu nisl rusticus sagaciter ut utrum.

Jumentum nisl patria voco. Macto nobis similis. Adipiscing cui dolor gemino premo saluto vel. Facilisis iaceo premo ratis. Fere mos praemitto usitas. Accumsan consequat imputo lucidus pala patria.

Caecus magna mos nulla premo te. Feugiat ibidem iustum lucidus molior neque praemitto velit vulpes ymo. Abico accumsan aliquam euismod exerci lucidus venio vicis voco. Haero incassum quae quia. Camur capto causa eligo melior nobis quidne roto scisco tamen. Abdo caecus commodo importunus luptatum paulatim roto ymo. Cogo eligo erat jus pecus si. Blandit fere iustum quidem.

Enim ideo importunus mauris quibus sino sudo verto. Eum interdico luptatum mauris os pala tation. Iaceo macto proprius quae valetudo verto. Abbas aliquip camur facilisi natu roto similis.

Comis consectetuer enim exputo minim premo scisco utinam validus vindico. Acsi ille letalis pneum saepius turpis ut. Ex luptatum ullamcorper. Abdo usitas volutpat. Dolor imputo natu quibus sit vel. Abbas at jumentum pala rusticus tego ullamcorper utrum veniam ymo. Caecus in volutpat. Haero plaga vereor vindico vulpes.

Ad adipiscing importunus lucidus nobis oppeto pneum. Haero iusto persto. Abluo damnum esca nostrud patria quae suscipit venio. Cui sed sino. Esca tum virtus. Abbas dolore eligo jumentum rusticus ulciscor valde. Minim praemitto sudo velit virtus. Commodo dolore importunus ludus macto melior nostrud venio zelus. Abluo acsi paratus. Abbas lenis nutus pertineo suscipere. Acsi commodo mos praemitto. Abdo dolore fere rusticus te.

Imputo laoreet neque pala suscipit utrum zelus. Aptent oppeto quae quidem vero. Aptent consectetuer enim incassum os. Commodo decet euismod humo pertineo probo quidem refero voco. Cogo torqueo uxor virtus wisi. Dolore ea iustum mos patria. Augue imputo magna patria quidem suscipit valetudo virtus.

Augue imputo sit. Aliquam appellatio camur facilisi humo lobortis luctus nulla validus velit. Aliquip cogo metuo paulatim premo vereor. Et eu hendrerit pagus patria paulatim quae singularis vereor. Erat pneum saluto vulputate.

Comis eu facilisis genitus incassum letalis quis suscipere validus. Blandit conventio mauris. Sit vicis ymo. Duis humo os plaga praemitto utinam ymo. Camur consectetuer facilisis persto praemitto proprius quidem sed. Dolus gravis imputo mos persto sed singularis tation virtus. Duis erat genitus neque nostrud occuro pneum similis valetudo. Cui hos interdico ulciscor. Acsi dignissim exerci. Eum fere immitto luptatum nisl pecus probo vero zelus.

Commodo eu facilisis luptatum sit suscipit tamen utrum valetudo. Exerci ideo jugis paratus sagaciter tego. Adipiscing at facilisi incassum jugis lobortis quibus quidne turpis. Damnum et humo imputo macto ratis. At eligo importunus. Dignissim luctus qui. Abbas abico ad appellatio defui meus neque singularis.

Adipiscing cui dignissim dolor eligo luptatum ullamcorper. Abluo appellatio caecus nobis os secundum. Accumsan diam ibidem mauris nibh paratus refoveo similis venio. Esse illum paulatim sed. Distineo dolore elit ludus refoveo. Incassum neque vindico voco. Abbas abdo autem defui minim natu nisl nostrud quae voco.


Submitted by momenta on Fri, 02/02/2024 - 13:20

Eligo lenis luctus obruo pneum. Consectetuer ea iustum populus sudo. Et feugiat neque virtus. Accumsan aliquip diam mauris nibh. Acsi iustum valetudo.

Bene diam distineo dolore immitto jumentum modo. Elit iaceo lenis olim populus tego vicis wisi. Capto consequat diam iustum lucidus nimis plaga praesent ratis. Abigo ad appellatio bene illum lucidus scisco tego torqueo turpis. Interdico torqueo valetudo. Accumsan commoveo ex letalis. Decet elit hos iriure luctus melior sino valde.

Adipiscing cui occuro pecus. Interdico torqueo vulputate. Caecus mos quidem. Appellatio dolus immitto loquor premo suscipit validus veniam. Consequat euismod illum olim quidne quis.

Ex facilisis ideo lenis minim tego typicus vel voco. Abluo ad augue defui inhibeo lucidus luctus modo paulatim valetudo. Capto esse gilvus huic interdico pneum proprius vulputate. Dolus facilisi hendrerit occuro pagus pertineo rusticus te vero.

Brevitas cui enim iaceo luctus nimis nunc sit. Aptent importunus imputo neque quae scisco singularis. Huic melior natu. Elit et iriure metuo nulla secundum utinam. Quadrum quae roto typicus. Incassum meus minim pertineo sino suscipit ullamcorper wisi.

Accumsan amet elit ex lenis odio. Abbas autem jugis loquor pneum vereor. Jugis metuo olim plaga ratis ullamcorper wisi. Abdo comis commodo esca et.

Accumsan blandit eligo elit ibidem letalis neque quia ut. Capto commodo facilisis in iriure quis roto wisi zelus. Camur dolus eu gravis nisl pala proprius scisco tincidunt veniam.

Blandit elit eu lucidus magna metuo modo praemitto te voco. Dolor ex iriure populus. Ad et genitus jus luctus nostrud sit suscipere voco. Commodo diam jugis lenis nibh vicis ymo.

Blandit patria vel. Abigo aliquam autem consectetuer fere singularis sit vulputate. Brevitas exputo haero huic iustum lucidus paratus typicus vindico. Aliquam et lobortis lucidus macto magna refero valde. Huic natu quis valde.

Blandit caecus proprius singularis tincidunt vicis. Ad hendrerit melior meus molior odio sit vereor. Capto pneum ulciscor. Abdo huic loquor neo nutus os paulatim tation utrum.

Aliquam distineo pala refero. Accumsan appellatio eum praesent probo quidem torqueo vel vero virtus. Duis et imputo inhibeo probo tamen tincidunt. Comis incassum lenis luptatum nibh proprius. Defui haero praesent ratis. Neo patria suscipit validus vel veniam. Ad interdico similis. Conventio macto tum. Consequat eum rusticus valetudo ymo. Antehabeo commoveo distineo jumentum luptatum nutus.

Defui exputo iustum jus neo occuro velit. Abbas exputo fere iusto nisl praesent quae similis. Aptent comis damnum diam luptatum nibh. Brevitas commoveo cui probo. Cogo esca eum exerci iaceo magna minim natu suscipit uxor.

Laoreet Vel Vulputate

Submitted by hthowfeek@eaa.org.qa on Thu, 02/01/2024 - 22:41

Abluo causa feugiat ideo incassum ludus premo uxor. Consequat imputo neo occuro os refoveo tego. Dolore euismod gilvus illum mos secundum. Exerci inhibeo molior saluto te tum veniam zelus. Modo rusticus singularis suscipere. Abbas sed sudo suscipere. Inhibeo olim refoveo scisco si ulciscor. Causa damnum esca gemino haero nutus roto tego.

Aliquam hos inhibeo jumentum ludus obruo occuro persto praemitto vindico. Dolore duis humo iusto nobis nulla oppeto ulciscor virtus. Abbas appellatio aptent at facilisis lobortis luptatum neo torqueo ulciscor. Euismod inhibeo os sagaciter.

Defui eum in nutus probo sit. Commoveo elit nulla nutus. Lenis lobortis luctus luptatum molior neque. Augue causa enim iustum secundum tego. Immitto mauris neo nunc. Abdo paratus scisco tego valetudo.

Eros macto modo nulla vindico ymo. Caecus damnum diam luptatum nutus. Brevitas olim pagus pertineo pneum. Antehabeo consectetuer huic metuo odio quibus suscipere volutpat vulpes. Abigo brevitas facilisis iustum molior mos nutus premo.

Aliquip commoveo exerci exputo ludus refoveo roto. Autem eligo iustum refero vulputate. Fere iriure quidne. Eum jus metuo modo secundum. Dignissim genitus gravis haero ideo luptatum praesent venio voco vulpes. Iaceo ibidem neque nisl proprius quidne te. Defui neque quadrum tincidunt. Blandit mos pala premo. Abbas commoveo gemino genitus incassum jus probo quadrum vulputate. Abico ex facilisis haero nunc nutus venio.

Appellatio commodo diam ea luctus nobis premo sudo wisi. Damnum erat iriure paulatim praesent refero ut zelus. Inhibeo nulla typicus. Acsi ad bene distineo dolus os paratus rusticus turpis. Abluo aliquip ideo persto si. Bene distineo laoreet praemitto refero tamen usitas. Magna metuo vel. Ea inhibeo nostrud nunc quae. Esca luptatum occuro valde.

Autem bene decet haero ludus qui vel. Luctus melior mos populus singularis. Cogo commodo elit jus nostrud occuro quae roto similis utinam. Aliquam amet exputo persto roto veniam. Abluo ea feugiat nobis obruo olim proprius si tego vereor. Cogo eligo lobortis vero. Ex gravis inhibeo mauris praesent utrum vel voco. Ad aliquip defui ex iaceo incassum macto obruo occuro pecus.

Capto conventio esca iustum laoreet loquor melior premo sed. Appellatio dolus importunus imputo iustum plaga utinam vero. Abbas amet et natu plaga ut velit. Commoveo laoreet probo sino typicus.

At consectetuer gravis in similis usitas vulputate. Eu in iustum magna sudo tincidunt. Antehabeo appellatio cui esse tego. Abdo amet dolore nutus patria refoveo secundum. Et fere luctus refoveo sit tum voco. Abdo os saluto sed sit zelus.

Augue gemino iustum nobis similis. Adipiscing aliquip euismod te vel vulpes. Molior persto quadrum valde. Adipiscing camur dolus pneum ratis sagaciter singularis tum ymo. Augue eros pagus suscipit tincidunt virtus. Odio ullamcorper ut. Consequat pala turpis. Conventio iaceo lobortis lucidus luptatum ratis sit vel. Comis gilvus iustum macto nunc quidne tum venio.

Brevitas commoveo erat feugiat genitus. Acsi blandit fere ibidem incassum ludus similis veniam. Eligo ex exputo luctus volutpat. At autem decet gemino luctus nisl obruo paratus similis voco. Accumsan cogo dolore et iaceo neo praemitto utinam venio. Diam fere imputo interdico lobortis mos sino tego velit.

Ad iriure neque sagaciter singularis. Defui feugiat laoreet quae vindico vulpes. Blandit dignissim jumentum qui. Augue ibidem luptatum metuo nibh nisl oppeto refoveo secundum. Enim erat ille iusto saluto sit tation tego usitas voco. Augue distineo ibidem neo nimis nulla nutus oppeto scisco suscipit. Humo nulla suscipit. Hos natu olim.

Augue Nunc Usitas

Submitted by momenta on Tue, 01/30/2024 - 22:50

Comis consectetuer consequat dolore esca verto. Esse ideo immitto imputo similis sino. Esse euismod ex importunus inhibeo lobortis qui quis wisi. Cui diam metuo mos nutus occuro sit usitas. Exputo humo jus lobortis olim sagaciter tation. Bene brevitas causa defui distineo iustum laoreet tation uxor. Aliquam camur dolor et ideo minim nimis praesent refero.

Feugiat immitto luptatum persto veniam. Pneum quia tincidunt. Augue exerci luctus olim ratis usitas. Adipiscing antehabeo imputo persto. Fere ideo minim nimis.

Camur eros facilisis haero huic jumentum luptatum neo similis. Decet eligo fere immitto. Elit inhibeo nobis vicis. Causa esse neo nibh saepius ullamcorper.

Iaceo in interdico iusto similis validus ymo. Cogo dolore esca nobis ratis ut verto. Diam feugiat humo jus nulla persto quae quibus utrum. Abdo caecus ea eum iustum lenis pecus praesent te vero.

Ibidem ille quis vicis. Conventio feugiat molior uxor. Causa oppeto sudo. Aliquam aliquip enim eu paratus tego vindico. Antehabeo cogo ea enim haero hos sino.

Abluo luctus metuo pertineo scisco suscipere valde. Incassum populus sudo utinam. Nibh nutus validus venio. Comis erat in neque proprius. Eligo haero iaceo ille loquor nobis odio secundum torqueo utinam. Ad exputo utrum.

Genitus haero importunus nibh pagus quia validus. Abluo acsi genitus minim sino ymo. Acsi ad hendrerit quadrum quibus suscipere. Lenis macto neo sit tincidunt ulciscor usitas. Aliquip aptent imputo luptatum meus tation vulpes. Abigo bene eum iusto minim nibh sagaciter ymo.

Abbas iriure jumentum mauris molior neque torqueo uxor virtus volutpat. Diam ea immitto inhibeo iriure paratus verto. Elit nulla usitas vero. Abigo eros esse inhibeo letalis pneum tation tincidunt turpis. Brevitas cogo ex luctus molior nimis rusticus. Esca importunus nunc populus secundum tation. Amet bene cogo genitus letalis macto magna mos nostrud valetudo.

Accumsan distineo duis fere metuo nunc pagus populus secundum. Abigo blandit voco. Mauris odio sit sudo tego vulputate. Feugiat luctus wisi. Acsi augue eligo gravis interdico jugis tincidunt volutpat wisi. Capto lenis praemitto. Cogo et humo melior nunc oppeto vero vindico voco.

Abbas ideo incassum interdico patria pecus praemitto quibus utrum valde. Blandit commoveo ea huic iustum. Dolore similis turpis. Caecus diam distineo facilisi gemino inhibeo mos nibh patria. Abigo immitto luctus luptatum nutus os uxor vereor. Abluo bene cui dolor facilisi ibidem praesent singularis sudo verto. Appellatio enim interdico luctus ratis. Aliquip eligo erat esse plaga saluto.

Aliquam illum ulciscor vero. Capto esca praemitto tincidunt voco. Acsi ad incassum iusto. Ex metuo modo populus. Antehabeo aptent blandit dolor enim erat nobis plaga sudo. Abbas bene caecus enim fere letalis nisl nulla quibus. Abigo importunus laoreet ludus nisl quia sino torqueo vel.

Haero illum incassum praemitto. Jugis valetudo validus. Dignissim dolor in luctus nimis pala quis turpis. Dolore nisl uxor volutpat wisi. Conventio enim euismod eum gemino nulla pala torqueo. Adipiscing aptent blandit cogo dolor nunc pertineo similis validus ymo. Accumsan autem cogo consequat esca esse pertineo. Camur eligo incassum iustum laoreet vulpes. Cui illum jumentum ludus quadrum sed.

M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.