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Shape Collages

Learners will be getting picture cards and will attempt to make a collage of their picture using different shapes and colored paper. The learner must then name the shapes that they have used.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
60 minutes
Time to Play: 40 minutesTime to Prepare: 20 minutes
Bulls Eye!

Players in two teams will throw rocks onto their target and will have to add up the points correctly to get to the next round. The team with the highest number of points wins.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
30 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 15 minutes
Toothpicks and Clay

Each player will be given 3 shape cards and will have to recreate the shape using clay and toothpicks.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
35 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 20 minutes
The Biggest Number

Players draw a card from the pile and each player chooses what column to record the number in. After going 5 rounds, the winner is the person to have the biggest number (0-20) recorded at the end of the game.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
30 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 15 minutes
Bowl Them Over

Each player will take a turn to throw or roll a bowl and knock over pins with numbers on them. The player will then add up the numbers on the pins that have been knocked over.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15Time to Prepare: 10
Jumping Bot

Players must guide their blindfolded teammate (The Bot) to another standing player using clear directions. The player that reaches the object with the least number of mistakes wins.

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
20 minutes
Time to Play: 20 minutesTime to Prepare: None
Ball Games

In pairs, players will throw the ball to each other and skip count at each catch. Whoever reaches 30 first wins!

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
40 minutes
Time to Play: Under 30 MinutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Putt Putt Mini Golf

Each player takes a turn to drop a ball into one of the containers with numbers on them. Each round, the player must add their new points to their total before the game can continue.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
20 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 5 minutes
Stick numbers 1-9

Players will attempt to write out numbers using twigs, the player that uses the least number of twigs wins.

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
35 minutes
Time to Play: 20 minutesTime to Prepare: 15 minutes
Skip Counting by 2's and 10's

Players will race to complete two skip counting mazes for skip counting in 2's and 10's. The player that completes the two mazes first wins.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
40 minutes
Time to Play: 20 minutesTime to Prepare: 20 minutes
Shape Sort

Each player will be given different objects and they must place them into the various shapes that have been created on the ground.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Number Train

Players must arrange the train engines with multiples of 5 in ascending order and fill in the blanks.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
The Alligator's Bite

Each student gets a set of cards with different numbers on them. When the game starts they flip the cards over and place "the alligator's bite" depending on which one is bigger.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Fill in Number Grid

Players will compete to fill in the missing numbers on a 1-100 grid. The first player to complete the grid correctly wins.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
30 minutes
Time to Play: 20 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Let's Make 10

Each player in the two teams will be allocated a set of cards from 1-10. An adult will call out a number from 1-9 and the child with the number that makes 10 when added runs up to the adult. The first one to get there gets a point, and the team with the most points win.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15Time to Prepare: 10
I have Who has

Each pair will receive 15 cards and will divide it between them. Each player in the team will call out their number and will ask if the other player has a number that fits his description ex: a number of 2 tens and 6 ones. The team that gets through all their cards first wins.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
10-40 minutes
Time to Play: 10 minutesTime to Prepare: 30 minutes (If the cards needs to be made)
Throw the Ball

Each player will have to throw numbered balls on the numbers from 1-10 that are written in a line on the ground. The adult will choose a theme (example: Make 10) that determines on which number the player throws the ball such as make 10.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Jump your Math Facts

Players answer math questions on flashcards by jumping in the correct square on a grid. The player who gets the most correct answers wins.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
35 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 20 minutes
What Shape Are You

Players in two teams will attempt to act out a shape from the shape cards. The rest of the team members must guess which shape they are acting and the team with the most points wins!

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Colorful Math Garden

Teammates will draw from a pile of cards and fill in the petals by doing an operation with the number that is written in the middle of the petals.

Resources Required: Medium
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Count Your Shapes

Each player will draw 2 cards from a pile of cards and place them face down. All the players will simultaneously turn over the cards and attempt to add up the 2 numbers.

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
40 minutes
Time to Play: 20 minutesTime to Prepare: 20 minutes
Line Up

Teammates are to organize themselves in ascending order based on the number on the post-it note assigned to them.

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Painted Rock Treasure Hunt

Each player will go on a treasure hunt to find rocks with numbers on them and then will order them smallest to largest with their teammates.

Resources Required: Low
Total Time:
25 minutes
Time to Play: 15 minutesTime to Prepare: 10 minutes
Beanbags Addition and Subtraction

Each player is required to throw bean bags into a hoop and record the number of bean bags in and out of the hoop. The player that gets 3 combinations that add up to 10 wins.

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
15 minutes
Time to Play: 10 minutesTime to Prepare: 5 minutes
Yes/No Game

In pairs, players race to guess the shapes stuck on each other's forehead using yes or no questions. The person who guesses the shape first wins!

Resources Required: High
Total Time:
45 minutes
Time to Play: 30 minutesTime to Prepare: 15 minutes
M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience


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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.