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Learners will discover the purpose of language and begin to get more familiar with the evolution of language as well as codes. They will explore invisible ink, glyphs, numerical codes, braille and sign language to finally design their own code letter

Leading Question:

Can you write a letter in a hidden code language?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Low)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Literacy
Resources Required

Learners will discover the purpose of language and begin to get more familiar with the evolution of language as well as codes. They will explore invisible ink, glyphs, numerical codes, braille and sign language to finally design their own code letter

Leading Question:

Can you write a letter in a hidden code language?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Low)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Literacy
Resources Required

Learners will discover the purpose of language and begin to get more familiar with the evolution of language as well as codes. They will explore invisible ink, glyphs, numerical codes, braille and sign language to finally design their own code letter

Leading Question:

Can you write a letter in a hidden code language?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Low)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Literacy
Resources Required

Learners will get a chance to explore many phenomena around them and imagine if it was different? What if the colors, shapes, occupations, animals, festivals, schools and the world could be anything we wanted it to be?

Leading Question:

If you could create your own world, what would be like?

Total Time Required:
~5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Social Sciences, Literacy, Art and Design
Resources Required

Learners will get a chance to explore many phenomena around them and imagine if it was different? What if the colors, shapes, occupations, animals, festivals, schools and the world could be anything we wanted it to be?

Leading Question:

If you could create your own world, what would be like?

Total Time Required:
~5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Social Sciences, Literacy, Art and Design
Resources Required

Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits

Leading Question:

Can you manage a flood in your community?

Total Time Required:
~5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Social Sciences, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required

Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits

Leading Question:

Can you manage a flood in your community?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Social Sciences, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required

Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits

Leading Question:

Can you manage a flood in your community?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics & Numeracy, Social Sciences, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
M-Education Alliance Award (Crisis and Conflict Response) USA, 2021
World Innovations Summit For Education (WISE) Award Qatar, 2022
HundrED Innovations Global Collection Finland, 2022
QS-Wharton Reimagine Education (Access, Diversity, and Inclusion) USA, 2023
HGSE Alumni Council Award for Impact in Education USA, 2024
Open Education Awards for Excellence Qatar, 2024
Anthem Awards USA, 2024

Resource Categories part two



PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience


Learning Packages→

Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.


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Innovations Development Directorate

Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.